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John Rowe boosted

When I sneeze I like to really get behind it and make it known for several miles that I sneezed. None of this holding it in and rupturing a vein in my forehead stuff.

Boost if you sneeze loud. Favorite if you sneeze quietly.

John Rowe boosted


BREAKING: Heat pump market in Finland grew by 50% in 2022.

1.5m heat pumps have now been installed in a country with just 2.7m households.


John Rowe boosted

Looking to connect socially and professionally with women and nonbinary folks in iOS! Especially if you’re brown, queer, genderqueer, or otherwise marginalized.

Please boost for reach 💜

John Rowe boosted

Quite happy with the result. You can definitely feel it’s not macOS native… but as is Twitter for Mac, and it's an app I’m using all day everyday. So will see how I can improve it from there. Will probably make the font larger first.

John Rowe boosted
Are you an admin of a Mastodon node instance in the Fediverse and feeling overwhelmed? There are some resources to help you! This one gives you a way to defederate servers that may not align with your terms…

Another list freely shared with reasons is at…

Some Mastodon instances will list problem servers at the bottom of their about pages. So if your terms are similar to another that is well-managed, you may want to see their list.
John Rowe boosted

FAQ: how to install Mona Beta on a Mac with Intel or Apple Silicon chip?
1. Install “Spring for Twitter” from Mac App Store;
2. Open Spring, then open the About Spring page;
3. Click “Download Mona for Mastodon (preview)”

If download link is not appear on the About Spring page, please click the upper-right Refresh button.

John Rowe boosted

Both here and on Twitter, a very tiny percentage of my followers are women.

This is upsetting to me. How do I fix it? Do I need to post some man-hating material? Make it make sense.

John Rowe boosted

A minimal cell phone with Signal integration seems ideal (if not for always, for moments when I want to be more unplugged).

Does anyone have any experience with Pigeon?

Could I securely text message Signal users with Pigeon?

Their site says Signal does not endorse Pigeon, is there a lawsuit looming?

John Rowe boosted

We become numb to the risks that we are accustomed to, and that's quite natural. After all, it's extremely uncommon for gas leaks to happen in the grand scheme.

But you and I literally have pressurized pipes in our homes filled with an explosive gas - and the supply behind that pipe is for all intents and purposes limitless. Fun!

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John Rowe boosted

As some of you may have heard, Tweetbot is currently unable to authenticate with Twitter which currently has a huge impact on our business. Only mentioning this because we are going to be busy putting out fires and trying to get Ivory on the App Store ASAP. So it will be harder to answer your questions. However you can read our current roadmap for Ivory here:

Also, here are 1000 more testflight openings for now. Thanks for all of your support! 🙏

John Rowe boosted
John Rowe boosted

@malwaretech Don't forget Kaspersky finding 20 expired C2s belonging to the the NSA and gaining access to a massive hacking campaign that had gone undetected for 14 years.

"Perhaps most costly to the attackers was their failure to renew some of the domains used by these servers. Out of the 300 or so domains used, about 20 were allowed to expire. Kaspersky quickly registered the domains and, over the past ten months, has used them to "sinkhole" the command channels, a process in which researchers monitor incoming connections from Equation Group-infected machines."

John Rowe boosted

@ieefa_institute: "Last year, utility-scale renewables in the power sector generated more electricity than coal on 169 days—and more than gas, the largest source of power, on 10 days":

John Rowe boosted

I have become anecdotally aware of several (smaller) mastodon instances that are considering shutting down because they cannot afford their server bills.

If you are a #mastodonadmin of an instance that is 1000+ users and considering shutting down please reach out to me.

We may be willing to take over your instance and save your users if you are compliant with the Mastodon Server Covenenant (

John Rowe boosted

As the US prepares to take its #OffshoreWind installation from basically zero to something significant, the fossil fuels industry has gone and created a network of seemingly-local groups to oppose it.

This is the story of how they did so.

Making sure we decarbonize our electric supply means knowing what that opposition looks like, how it's structured, and what their disinformation looks like in advance.

#ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

John Rowe boosted
John Rowe boosted
John Rowe boosted

Using Quality-Adjusted Life Years as a metric, the cost for society to buy 1 additional year of life at full health is as follows:
Vaccines $0.1K
Bike lanes: $1K
Medicaid $67K
Dialysis $129K
Source: #publichealth #BikeTooter #vaccines #healthcare #sdoh #walkability #cycling

John Rowe boosted

Living along the Acela Corridor and traveling in Europe and Asia has made me a strong public transportation advocate.

Not sure if all Americans know how pleasant it can be to have useful, efficient public transportation infrastructure! We can have nice things—like trains!

John Rowe boosted

Remarkable online tool for US residents to see the wide range of discounts and tax credits they can get since Jan 1st under the Inflation Reduction Act. From solar panels to heat pumps and electric stoves to electric vehicles:

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NI Tech

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!