Mostly migrated from Evernote to Joplin. Just 20,000 old notes I seldom access to migrate over.

A slightly less polished UX, but I think I'll get used to that. The benefit of its openness wins out.

I'll not cancel my Evernote sub just yet though.

@ryangadams I ditched Evernote several years ago, but haven't found anything to replace it that I really was happy with.

Not sure why I hadn't turned up Joplin in my searching. Will have a poke at it at some point.

@marramgrass yeah, I've been unhappy for a while, but couldn't find anything better.

Joplin has it flaws (Electron!) but it's cross platform, uses Markdown and syncs via Dropbox so that's a bit of future proofing.

@ryangadams Had a wee look and there are options to self-host it's server or sync to an S3 bucket as well.

Now I just need to find the time/motivation/will.

I've been using a mix of "bunch of things in iCloud" and Notion for specific projects (where a "project" is anything from the weekly shopping list to the loft conversion). But neither is ideal.

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