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@OpinionatedGeek @shezza_t I'd never seen the anime, but have now started into it. Will be listening out.

@semanticist I've finished it, now, and I think your Firefly comparison is a good one, in more than just ending too soon. It tickled a lot of the same spots for me as that show.

@OpinionatedGeek @shezza_t Having finished the live action one now, I really enjoyed the music there, too.

Mark Goody boosted

My phone has informed me
that it “will no longer
log nearby devices
and you won’t be notified
of possible exposures”
so I suppose that
is yet another reminder
that we had the tools.

Mark Goody boosted

Same feeling about how "content" and "influencer" has escaped the back rooms of what I assume was the marketing industry and is now used to describe creations and creators.
"content creator"? Try artist, producer, writer and many others.

Mark Goody boosted

Unless you believe super-genius AGI is imminent, as in "next 5 years" imminent, the only long term existential threat to humanity you should be worrying about is the climate crisis.

The only exponential growth we're likely to see over the next decade will be in extreme weather, wildfires, refugees, political instability, and global economic crises, not a self-improving AGI.

@amunizp In the app it tells you to click to dial the number. Boo yo that.

Having to vote by phone in this day and age, though. What’s that about?


@otfrom I was skeptical of so much of the staging relying on big screens, but a lot of it was very good. Especially Ukraine and Czechia.


@otfrom Belfast has some top-tier muralling these days.

Just showed the boys the Lordi performance from the year they won 🤘🏻

@nevali Vocal seemed to be hiding really low in the mix. Could hardly make it out here.

The Slovenian lads certainly looked like they were enjoying themselves

Mark Goody boosted

Slovenia guy winking has given me whatever the opposite of an erection is. #slovenia #EuroVision #Eurovision2023

Mark Goody boosted

No one would have believed, in the early 21st century, that human affairs were being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's.
Tonight the humans would, though they knew it not, choose their champion for the Galactic Games.
#Eurovision #MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic

I wasn’t going to post about , but oh my goodness that Edgar Allan Poe song was an amazing thing.

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