Unfortunately, my current home in the Fediverse is shutting down this month and I must relocate.
Before moving, I want to leave a big thank you to @mo, who was admin here during this time 🎖️
I'll be seeing you all at @pablobm@metalhead.club! 🤘
@purinkle Did you get covered in liquid nitrogen right after too?
Tesla makes EVs, yes. And electrification is useful. But why electrify cars instead of creating more public transit?
Ah, the question answers itself. Possession of a car, especially one that costs a lot of money because it’s full of autonomous tech and high-tech batteries, differentiates the owner from the lower classes.
Ditto for “Going to Mars.” Who goes to Mars? Who gets their own replicant in the off-world colonies? Everyone genuflecting to him thinks they’ll be one of the chosen few.
#taxtherich #taxthericheu #tax_the_rich #eattherich
Esta iniciativa invita a la Comisión Europea a establecer un impuesto europeo sobre las grandes fortunas. Este impuesto contribuiría a los recursos propios de la Unión y los ingresos permitirían ampliar y perpetuar las políticas europeas de transición medioambiental, social y de cooperación al desarrollo, en cofinanciación con los Estados miembros. Esta contribución se destinaría a combatir el cambio climático y las desigualdades, y permitiría una participación más equitativa de los ciudadanos europeos en la consecución de estos objetivos.
Having an idea of how much downtime costs the business allows everyone to operationalize and make correct low-level decisions.
Downtime costs you $1000/minute.
You want to make your main SQL database high-availability. This costs $30k/year.
You think doing so will remove 1 hour of downtime per year.
Should you do it?
UKPol, railways
Peter Hendy is unfit to be Minister for Rail if he's more interested in bullying @GarethDennis out of a job for the sake of appearances than in passenger safety. I have written to my (Labour) MP saying as much.
If you could all share this message to make sure as many people as possible get the message that we must not call them “The Farage Riots” #TheFarageRiots
Imagine a job offer that read:
"As a condition of your employment, you will spend an additional 60 to 90 minutes every day in a mildly unpleasant environment accomplishing nothing. You will not be compensated for this time, nor any costs incurred during this time. Nothing that happens during this time will be valued or recognized by your employer in any way. However, should you decline these conditions or fail to complete them you will be fired."
A reasonable person might ask "what the hell".
I made a little site for Parklife - using Parklife of course! https://parklife.dev
Dear fellow Mastodon users with astigmatism: in case you missed this, abandoning "night mode" will make reading things on a computer monitor much, much easier. On your local instance it may be settings/preferences/appearance
w00t w00t! Two new songs from #Lovebites!
Soul Defender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlGq4_pYCGU
Unchained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbbMpq2zghQ
Oh my
-rw-r--r--@ 1 pablobm staff 75G 14 Aug 11:24 test.log
Previously: https://nitech.online/@pablobm/111760563079700714
@andi I think there might be an age component involved too, with Millennials being the most likely to know of it.
Metalhead, aspiring bass player, wannabe SJW. Web development pays my bills. Happy to pay more tax in exchange for functioning public services.