I wonder how long it will take FastMail to get back to me about their apparent union busting. Granted, it’s unlikely they can say anything to stop me moving once I find a new host I like.

It gives me great pleasure to discover that there is a cricket umpire in Cyprus called Windy Miller!

Losing I can live with, but that was an embarrassingly awful batting display by Ireland. Canada deserved their win.

I _think_ things are working. Let’s try another one.

Please also ignore this further follow-up experiment.

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Pay no attention as I experiment with something.

The honesty of “Blockchain Ireland” on their Use Cases page (blockchainireland.ie/blockchai) is something we could do with more of. 😇 (deeden.co.uk/notes/2024/03/28/)

Ireland 17 for 3 chasing 111 to win a first Men’s Test match. I don’t need this level of stress from them, I already have Mayo football working full-time to raise and then dash my hopes. (deeden.co.uk/notes/2024/03/01/)

My expectations for 2024 did not include absolutely loving an ambient/drone album released by Vince Clarke (of Erasure/Depeche Mode/Yazoo fame). “Songs of Silence” is so good, and great to write code to. (deeden.co.uk/notes/2024/02/07/)

I tend to lean towards Quill (quill.p3k.io/) as a client. If you’re planning to play with Micropub do make use of the excellent “Micropub Rocks!” site (micropub.rocks/). I found it a great help when working on my server. (deeden.co.uk/replies/2023/09/1)

After deleting all of my posts from Twitter I’ve also updated my site to remove the associated syndication links. That site is now dead to me. (deeden.co.uk/notes/2023/09/14/)

I wrote a thing. A bit deeper than normal but hey ho, those the punches I guess. swm.cc/articles/losing-momentu

Playing with SwiftUI over the last while has resulted in me looking at announcements and thinking things like “I must watch that video on Swift Data” later. It’s a slippery slope. (deeden.co.uk/notes/2023/06/06/)

Hours of debugging, many lines printed to the console, and 1 infinite loop finally leads me to the solution to the bug I was seeing. The end result? A single changed line and React is suddenly happy. Isn’t Javascript fun! (deeden.co.uk/notes/2023/05/16/)

I’ve made the mistake of mentioning to Michèle the idea of a Penguins of Madagascar and Judge Dredd crossover, and she now desperately wants to see “Penguins of MegaCity One”. (deeden.co.uk/notes/2023/01/27/)

I finally saw Charlize Theron wading through her golden pool, so that means we’re officially in the period. I’m kind of relieved, I was getting worried that she was missing. (deeden.co.uk/notes/2022/12/02/)

Thanks to a kind email pointing me to Cricket Australia ball-by-ball commentary for the 2011 Women’s Test I’ve finally been able to resolve the discrepancies in the data, meaning that later today I’ll finally be able to add the match to the site.

This is only the 10th Women’s Test match I’ve been able to source, but does mean I’ve managed to get 10 of the last 12 Tests. I’ll keep digging on the others.

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