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My favourite concert ever was a Maiden outdoor performance in Montreal in 08. Will never forget Ryme of the Ancient Mariner.

BUT, having said that, in 1984, I went to see Miller Music Fest at Jarry Park, and the Eurythmics blew everyone away. It was proportionally the heaviest concert I have ever seen.

I had a completely different understanding of Dave Stewart after that concert, and I just hear their music differently since then.

rescue 5 rich guys: around the clock media coverage and no expense is too much, because life is utmost concern
rescue countless poor people: rot in jail for 20y you terrorist!!1!

If vaccines really did contain computer chips someone would have ported Doom to them by now and posted to Hacker News about it.

Jun22 is Cyndi Lauper's birthday. This is my tiny 3 inch sketch of her from about a year ago. #rnapper

Took this in the Laurentians in Quebec, only had the time for one photo before it flew away...

#photo #photography #nature #flowers #butterfly

“Your boss has already conceded the whole kingdom,” Dan Tehan, Australia’s chief negotiator, told Truss gleefully'

“Political systems and political leaders have to have the capacity to multi-task and do several important, critical things at the same time.

“To advance an argument that we will not prepare for the medium and long term future simply because we have challenges in the present, that doesn’t stack up. That’s not responsible politics in my view.”

If I could change one thing about the way we talk about copyright, it would be to replace "protected" with "encumbered," at least in the library context. An out-of-print book from 1950 with a dead author and a defunct publisher is not "protected" by copyright; it's encumbered. 60-year-old newspaper articles, 10-year-old political ads, on and on - vast swaths of in-copyright material with no commercial life but some remaining intellectual value aren't protected by copyright. They're encumbered.

Peter Lindbergh is recognized as one of the most influential contemporary #photographers This image of #TinaTurner hanging off the Eiffel Tower is one of his most iconic photos. In November 2020 the singer wrote: “Today would be the birthday of my dear friend and uniquely talented photographer Peter Lindbergh. I have often told you that it took me a long time to love myself. Peter helped me with his amazing photos. He discovered a side of me even I didn’t know existed. I miss him very much.”

The and the should be deeply ashamed about the part they've played in the degradation of the capacity of the in as reflected in the backlogs and waiting times. 46 feckin weeks for URGENT OPHTHALMOLOGY cases - 125 weeks for routine.

If our precious Union can’t deliver adequate health care people like me who don't have a foot in either camp will I think be asking some tough questions if and when that border poll comes to pass.

“I think this is all politics, I think we’re being led to believe that there is no money. There is always money, there is always money when governments need to find money, there’s always money for weapons, there is always money for failed PPE.”

So, I'm sure you're all heard some weird Dream Stuff, but I'm pretty sure what my brain did to me last night takes the cake.

I had a girlfriend in the first dream, who got extremely paranoid and dumped me for "conspiring" against her with all of my friends. Okay, standard stress dream.

Except then I woke up multiple times throughout the night and every time I had a NEW dream, SHE showed up halfway through to ruin it, for "revenge." For the thing I didn't even do in the first dream.

Just going to set aside this afternoon to attempt to enter this long password with no means to see what I’ve typed whilst praying I don’t exceed the attempt account whilst also acknowledging I’m just going to use simpler and simpler passwords even though the robots will be better at guessing them. Good job, everyone.

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