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Concluded the Mind Flayer arc in Family D&D.

Younger Kid: 4 mind flayers and grimlocks. This isn’t bad.

Younger Kid: The worst mind flayer thing I’ve seen is an elder brain dragon. It’s a mind flayer version of a dragon with tentacles coming out of its face.

Me: That’s messed up.

Me, 2 turns later: As the mind flayers concentrate, the air shimmers, and… hey, can you go downstairs and get the Lego thing sitting on my keyboard?

Kid, from downstairs: WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?

Top headline in the Washington Post today, a story about trans people that features actual trans voices instead of fear-mongering and bigoted terfs. The NY Times has a choice in how to report on trans issues and they always choose wrong. (gift article)

People are designed to die. You are renting your existence. Even if a doctor hasn't given you a countdown, it is still counting.

What would you do if you knew you were dying?

You are. Do that.

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What defines gaslighting is the intent to make someone else feel they have lost their mind. You CAN gaslight via lies, but also by nonverbal means, for example, moving their stuff around so they think they are forgetful.

Lying is just lying, and doesn't need a snazzy new word.

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I don't know why people act like finding a relationship is difficult. As long as you put in the time & effort to put yourself out there, locate a swamp witch, acquire a small goat for her, ask her to cast a spell on the person you desire & send them a message on a dating site, it's easy.

"The council needs to accept that putting the sign there was not acceptable – it’s a Protestant village and no one was informed.”

Shout out to Tobermore - keeping the hatred alive. 😔😡

UK politics 

Having not checked the timing of any of today's Parliamentary shenanigans, will Johnson be having to take a break from answering questions about one mess he caused so he can go and vote against an attempt to sort out another mess he created?

In case it gets lost in the noise I think this message is important:

Seeking asylum is not illegal.

Interesting read.

I was in Belfast this weekend and got a chance once again to ride the Glider to and from the city centre and I really enjoyed it. I live in the country and public transport unfortunately is infrequent and relatively expensive - which is sad. But I would love to get rid of my car.

RT @AlexTaylorNews
The Germans, who know a thing about fascist language say : "wehret den Anfängen" - look out for the beginnings

is right to point out that today's anti-migrant language can be such a "beginning"

The nazis started dehumanising people bit by bit, day by day, for years

‘A main factor for the think tack rejecting the UK government’s new Northern Ireland Protocol deal, is that the controversially named Windsor Framework “does not restore and fulfil the Acts of Union 1800”.’

It seems to me that Unionists should be very careful lest the English decide that union with Northern Ireland is no longer in their economic interests.

‘But they did not deny a report that Mr Johnson had asked the DUP to without support until they had looked carefully at the agreement.’

Do you suppose the would be stupid enough to listen to the PM who already screwed them once with his ‘oven-ready’ deal?

Of course they would.

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