Not getting the same hit from mastodon that I got from twitter (for good or ill). Glad to have a place to stay in touch with some friends but honestly I doubt I’ll be here much. Think this may be me finally kicking the endless scrolling news habit for the first time since I discovered Slashdot.

@acf I’ve been doing a lot less of social media scrolling in general recently (partly caused by the Twitter decline) and I don’t feel bad about it. It’s been quite liberating which probably indicates it wasn’t doing me much good before.

@simon @acf I’ve broken my “always catch up on timeline” streak after .. years. Also picked up the console for the first time in a couple of years.

@caius @simon I’ve been playing more Assassins Creed again. Looking forward to the new one next year.

@acf @caius I’ve only ever played one of those (set in Italy). I should really play another because it was great.

I’m just getting into The Witcher 3 but it may be too convoluted for me. There seems to be a lot to learn and get to grips with.

@simon @acf @caius stick with it if you can. Genuinely one of the best games I’ve ever played!

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