Like many people, I had my Apple ID locked last night, and it was a big hassle trying to get it unlocked and working again.

One tip - when you go through all the rigmarole to get it going again, one thing that doesn't switch on by default is receiving iMessages or FaceTime calls via your Apple ID. So, like me, you will probably be missing messages until you reenable those in Settings. Also, if you send somebody a new iMessage it will default to your phone number which may not be what you want.

@jamesthomson how did you become aware that your AppleID had been locked? Also (calls for speculation), do you think this glitch has anything to do with how the AppleID is being “replaced” soon?

@scottearle And, I'm not sure. I suspect it's more likely that Apple did a software update of some kind on the back end, and that broke everything. As far as I heard, they were just doing a rename of Apple ID, so I don't think that alone would have done it.

@jamesthomson @scottearle now I’m worried. I’m responsible for rolling out a new unified login process for our customers in a couple of weeks and I was already feeling nervous about screwing something up. At least we don’t have as many users as Apple!

@scottearle @jamesthomson it’s being done on a Thursday. I was sure I’d requested a Tuesday!

@mo @jamesthomson Tuesday or Wednesday are the correct days. Gives you time to postpone to the next day if you need to


@scottearle @jamesthomson fortunately it’s all in production right now and all tests are giving good results. We just need to flick the switch on the big day!

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