@paddy not a fan?
@nivrig why wait?
@mo sorry, no. CSS.
@mo what are you using for styling in Elm?
@mo so what did they give you? New phones?
@mo I forgot all about it. That's how much I care about Apple these days.
@nivrig no time set yet.
That goes for everyone here, btw. #GeekDinnerClub, Thursday 20th @ Stix and Stones. Get over to geekdinnerclub.com and register.
@nivrig geekdinnerclub.com. Something of a resurrection of an old institution.
@nivrig you really should come out with us for GeekDinnerClub next week. That'll help you rewind/bitch/get drunk.
work moaning
@nivrig I wish I was hiring.
@xarxziux I've just got to the point where I will only accept links from people I know or have met in real life. Occasionally, I'll accept from a friend of a friend.
@mo @marramgrass it doesn't work if you call it a closet.
@mo @marramgrass it's nice in here. There is a weird draught coming from behind these big fur coats though ...