📺 Over the weekend I watched a few episodes of the live-action Cowboy Bebop released the other year.

It was unpopular when it came out, but taken on its own terms I’m enjoying it quite a lot. The stylish production with slightly ropy CGI works for me. And the cast is great, especially John Cho.

@marramgrass I hadn't seen the original, so we watched it back-to-back with the live action version, and really all the moaning just seemed like people with rose-tinted memories to me. In a couple of years time people are going to look back at live action Cowboy Bebop the way we do at Firefly, IMO.

@semanticist That's ever the problem with adaptations. Seems like folks tend to want the new thing to be exactly the same as the old thing. In which case maybe just enjoy the old thing?

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