📺 Over the weekend I watched a few episodes of the live-action Cowboy Bebop released the other year.

It was unpopular when it came out, but taken on its own terms I’m enjoying it quite a lot. The stylish production with slightly ropy CGI works for me. And the cast is great, especially John Cho.

@marramgrass I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the anime too, but thought the live-action series did a good job at capture the feel of the story.

@shezza_t @marramgrass I enjoyed the live action one, but what made the anime one extra special to me was the music. The feel of the music in the anime version was so distinctive - more than would usually be in a TV show - and (for me) it really fitted. There was nothing wrong with the music on the live action series, but the music in the anime series really set it apart.

@OpinionatedGeek @shezza_t Having finished the live action one now, I really enjoyed the music there, too.

@marramgrass @shezza_t Yeah, it was! But for me the eclectic mix in the anime was so much weirder and better. (I realise I may be odd.) And the way the theme of the music was different each episode (an episode with a country music twang!) pleased me greatly.

@marramgrass @shezza_t I may have to re-watch the live action one in case I'm doing it an injustice.

@OpinionatedGeek @shezza_t I'd never seen the anime, but have now started into it. Will be listening out.

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