📺 Over the weekend I watched a few episodes of the live-action Cowboy Bebop released the other year.

It was unpopular when it came out, but taken on its own terms I’m enjoying it quite a lot. The stylish production with slightly ropy CGI works for me. And the cast is great, especially John Cho.

@marramgrass I hadn't seen the original, so we watched it back-to-back with the live action version, and really all the moaning just seemed like people with rose-tinted memories to me. In a couple of years time people are going to look back at live action Cowboy Bebop the way we do at Firefly, IMO.

@semanticist I've finished it, now, and I think your Firefly comparison is a good one, in more than just ending too soon. It tickled a lot of the same spots for me as that show.

@marramgrass Yeah, it felt like it filled the same niche of sort of 'lo-fi sci-fi', loveable rogues, smart dialogue, etc. If only it'd got a fair shot. Ah well!

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