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@revk I’ve read and read and read the guards and the witches, but those particular books even more so.

@revk My third (I think) favourite Discworld, that. After Night Watch and Lords and Ladies, if you’re curious 😎

Mark Goody boosted

AI is racist.
AI cannot look into human issues.
Process "asylum" by accepting all the applications.
Hackathons are just a way for people to avoid investing into long term product development.

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Mark Goody boosted

Took a trip on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway over the weekend. The ticket inspector’s punch was in the shape of a little train.

Mark Goody boosted

How can you find out how heavy a chilli pepper is?

Give it a weigh, give it a weigh, give it a weigh now.

I am the most distractable person in the world, today. I've been getting distracted from the things that have distracted me from the things that have... and so on, that I'm meant to be doing.

🎵 After a first run through I think I like the new boygenius record quite a lot.

@tosbourn Mastonaut, which is just alright but is the best of the ones I've tried.

Mark Goody boosted


In all seriousness, the only thing I associated with this word for most of my teens was that space-trading computer game with those glorious line graphics.

I know I am supposed to take the arguments of those opposed to the "elite" seriously, but I can only think of docking my space ship to sell narcotics.

Mark Goody boosted

Question about a fediverse tool, and a worry about searching 

A long time ago I created a thing on Twitter. The idea was you could rate anything - anything at all - by tweeting a score (like 7/10), the name of whatever you were rating, and the hashtag #moot (for Marks Out Of Ten). My site would gather all these tweets and make them full-text searchable, aggregating all the individual found scores into a single mark out of ten.

Here's an example for 'tayto':


🎵 This morning I’m back on one of my absolute favourite albums ever: Audible Sigh from Bill Mallonee/VoL

@stuart Thanks, Stuart. We're trying our best, certainly.

Will not be going into detail in public because, well. But parenting is _really_ hard.

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