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Expressed my dad-ness by uttering the phrase, “that’s some rain out there.”

Mark Goody boosted

Umberto Eco uses 50% less fuel and 30% less packaging than regular Umberto

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Mark Goody boosted

Related: if you find yourself thinking doctors in England are paid too much, you probably need to broaden your sources of news and information

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Mark Goody boosted

On public sector pay “Rishi Sunak” says it’s not right to put taxes up for everyone to pay “some people” (doctors and nurses, teachers etc) more. In fact that’s how a society works. I’d happily pay more tax if it was going into the pockets of NHS staff and teachers.

Mark Goody boosted

OCD, intrusive thoughts, body horror 

Next time you think about making an "I'm just OCD" joke, bear in mind that actual OCD often comes with intrusive thoughts, which are what the bizarre behaviour is an effort to counter/appease. As there's so little understanding of how distressing this can be, sufferers sometimes are driven to take their own extreme steps just to get some peace. Like this case where someone tried to chemically castrate themselves with calcium chloride.

Mark Goody boosted

Prime Day has gotten too commercial. We need to get back to honoring what this sacred day is really about

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Mark Goody boosted

The Chengdu WorldCon has officially announced the finalist for the 2023 Hugo Awards.

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‘Illness is neither an indulgence for which people have to pay, nor an offence for which they should be penalised, but a misfortune the cost of which should be shared by the community… No society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.”

- Nye Bevan, 1948
Congratulations, NHS, 75 today

Mark Goody boosted

The #NHS is 75 years old today.

I wouldn’t have my mum or children with me if it wasn’t for the NHS. Cancer treatment and IVF, plus resuscitation at birth.

I would be in permanent debt to pay for hearing aids.

My two best fiends who are both disabled and self employed would be in addition bankrupt if it wasn’t for the NHS.

The NHS is the most progressive and compassionate creation of a UK government ever - we must ensure it’s survival and speak up for it in the face of elitist attacks.

Mark Goody boosted

When people say "extreme leftist" I imagine a person who extremely wants everyone to have good food, clean water, shelter that's safe and accommodating, health care, community, and meaning, all in a diverse and thriving ecosystem, and will do almost anything - including changing economic and political systems - to get it.

Is that what they mean by extreme leftist? :P

I was getting my eyes checked and the optometrist gave me my first “…for your age.”

Young fellow, I’m 42, not 92!

Mark Goody boosted

Any #Elixir developers in the UK fancy a copy of Real-Time Phoenix (

I ended up buying it twice a while ago and would like to pass one copy on as a freebie to someone.

Again, UK-only please due to postage.

#MyElixirStatus #PhoenixFramework

Mark Goody boosted

My wife called me in a panic, to say the children were playing doctors and nurses.

I asked why that was a problem, and she told me they'd just booked flights to Australia.

@welshpixie The Butts notebooks I ordered arrived yesterday. They are super. Thank you 👍🏻

They are gifts for a couple of folks I know will love them. I kind of wish I'd ordered myself one too!

Mark Goody boosted
Mark Goody boosted

This doesn’t sound like such cute advice given the number of people in tech that women need to stay away from

Mark Goody boosted

(EDIT:: It's been claimed and collected now!) Commodore 64 breadbin, NTSC (w/US power supply), manual and original box, some carts - Must be picked up from W.Yorks, UK.

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