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Mark Goody boosted

At what point does it go from grave robbing to archeology? Asking for a friend.

And PRS have put out the Tele-style that the whole internet knew was coming. Looks alright, I guess, but I prefer my Teles to be more conventionally Tele-like. Also $$$$$$.

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During an interesting couple of days in the realms of expensive guitar gear, Boss have released a new analog "delay machine” and from the demos it really does sound ace, but:

1. It’s big, and there's no way I could make room on the board for it. When recording, though…

2. The price 😮 £450 isn't unusual for that kind of thing, but it's still a lot of money. Even for a 40-something programmer with a pedalboard-shaped midlife crisis.

They're going to sell a load of them.

Mark Goody boosted
Mark Goody boosted

The knockoff playstation controller angle the media are blatting about wrt. the Titan loss is a red herring.

The sub is designed for computer control, so obviously using a cheap, standardized input device is what you'd expect. It's so cheap/standardized they can carry a spare or two if they want.

The real question is whether it SHOULD have been software controlled, and what quality and safety metrics the developers used. (Submarine architecture is incredibly conservative for good reason!)

Mark Goody boosted

I knew a French sound engineer years ago.

I knew a Czech one too.

Mark Goody boosted

The value of a programmer is not only their achievements, but their failures. Not their raw productivity but the hours they wasted teasing out an obtuse bug. Fancy next word predictors don’t replace domain experts any more than StackOverflow or Ask Jeeves did.

Mark Goody boosted

Your options as a parent are...

1. give a shit about what your young children see online and inherit a complex labyrinth of bespoke apps and permission management systems
2. go free range and your kid gets hacked while they blow through $2000 on in-app purchases in Roblox

There's no middle ground.

Mark Goody boosted
Mark Goody boosted

the one upside of the giant corporations tearing the fediverse to shreds is we can all just finally stop using the computer. im sure youre also ready to throw in the towel. youve tried so many times havent you. we all have. but nothing can be done. nothing good can come of it. nothing good can come of the computer

Mark Goody boosted

“Quiet quitting” is so idiotic. It’s based around the idea that doing the amount of work as contractually obligated is somehow “quitting”, as if there is an unspoken obligation to go above and beyond that. For free, of course. Well there isn’t. And only working the amount of time you’re paid for is not disloyal or lazy, it’s simply holding up your end of the bargain. “Quiet quitting” should be the norm, not the exception. Everyone should do it. But stop calling it quitting.

Mark Goody boosted

The rain stopped and now it’s just disgustingly humid. Ah well…

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Mark Goody boosted

Whether you sing, write, draw, dance, paint, sculpt, crochet, do sport, arts and crafts, or doodle, you are doing art and that is beautiful, I hope you have a good day.

Mark Goody boosted


All value reddit had outside of it's basic structure and scaling ability was provided by its userbase and its individual communities.
If reddit alienates its users it has nothing.
Conversely, anything looking to replace reddit probably doesn't have to be super technically impressive.
You gotta get the *people*.
Mark Goody boosted

This is the most succinct summary of modern life in Britain I have ever seen.

It’s started raining in Leeds and this pleases me a great deal.

Mark Goody boosted

in a moment of lovely synchronicity i rediscovered this David Byrne quote today.

"It can often seem that those in power don’t want us to enjoy making things for ourselves—they’d prefer to establish a cultural hierarchy that devalues our amateur efforts and encourages consumption rather than creation."

Mark Goody boosted
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