@natural20 I’m from the north, and didn’t even have RTE until I was about 11. We never watched the Toy Show, and as a result I’ve never really gotten into it. My wife, on the other hand, only had RTÉ for most of her youth, so she loves the Toy Show, and is always trying to get the kids into it.
@natural20 @mo @shevyf I have gone the opposite way - having been raised on the toy show I now live in Scotland and miss it every year. Enjoy it for me please! I'll be keeping an eye on the hashtag
@natural20 @mo @shevyf I just tried it and got the end of the singalong - Tubs singing and dancing badly in the rain 😂 ... So will see how it goes
@mo @natural20 same here, had never heard of it till i met my wife, now it's the official start of Christmas in my house
@mo My darling @shevyf has only started watching it in the last decade or so since moving here from Scotland and she's fully embraced the whole thing. It is possible to buy in as an adult. :) I mean, a lot of people I know, including myself, wouldn't have imagined watching it in their twenties after obsessing about it as kids.