Missed the Shift Happens crowdfunding campaign? We’re now on BackerKit with a pre-order store: same price as the final Kickstarter price for the time being! https://shifthappens.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders Quantities are limited as we move towards printing the book. For more details about Shift Happens, a three-volume 1,376-page set of books about the history of keyboards, see https://shifthappens.site
@glennf does the original kickstarter pledge include the 3rd volume? I feel like it was added as a stretch goal, but going through BackerKit my pledge level still says “two volumes in slipcase”. Has that pledge text not been updated (or can it even be updated!)?
@mo All Kickstarter backers and all BackerKit pre-orders are for what we’re calling the “Kickstarter edition”: the two initially committed volumes and the bonus third volume! We couldn't change the KS text after launch—hadn't thought how that would look when you hit the BackerKit site and it *repeats* that. Looking into it! cc @mwichary
@mo @mwichary Oh, gosh, that's yet ANOTHER place. BackerKit is pretty good, but you have to go to about 12 different places, not all of them linked, to manage all the text. We can probably write a 10,000-word document about what we want them to change when we're done, even though the system is generally pretty good.
@mo @glennf Is it better now?