The most “European mind cannot comprehend this” thing around 🇺🇸

@twostraws I have chronic back pain from cerebral palsy and a car accident. Buying in bulk works well

@GaryAsh Oh yeah, for sure! The UK (and many other countries) don’t allow medication of anything like this volume, at least not over the counter. Chronic pain like that would likely be dealt with by prescription from a doctor. To give you a reference point, a box of ibuprofen in the UK is usually 16 max, 32 if a pharmacist is involved, and if you buy too many boxes they will flat out refuse the sale. It’s literally against the law to sell over 100 tablets!


@twostraws @GaryAsh my local pharmacy (Boots, UK) won’t sell a pack of ibuprofen and a pack of paracetamol together!

@mo @twostraws @GaryAsh thats weird! My doctor would advise to take both, to not need as much ibuprofen. Stuff can really mess up your stomach.

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