Most seem to believe a myth that is simply not accurate: #COVID19 is NOT evolving to be milder. We only THINK this is the case because of prior immunity. But as fewer are keeping up with new vaccines, immunity is fading, and that can lead to more severe outcomes. Also, evidence suggests repeated reinfections can harm your immune system (which is why immunity from vaccines beats immunity from infections).

"Each time getting COVID is kind of like playing COVID roulette."

@augieray I've just been infected for the first time, and I can confirm that 5/6 days in, it does not feel like a mild infection.

@seanddotmedotuk @augieray I was testing positive from Monday 1st until Sunday 7th and was unwell for a while before testing positive. I’m still completely wrecked by it.

@mo @seanddotmedotuk Hope you recover soon. It took me three weeks to begin to feel normal after my infection last year.


@augieray @seanddotmedotuk this is my 3rd infection, and it definitely feels worse than the 2nd time, but on a par with the 1st. I’ve somehow managed to catch it in June one year, August the next, and July this year. In all honesty though, I don’t think I’ve ever fully recovered since the first one. Could just be advancing years, but I’ve never physically felt the same since.

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