
@marramgrass only 2.5k! Bargain!

I accidentally looked at Roland Jupiter 8s and now I get 20k synths recommended.

@marramgrass well, I followed a link while browsing for bargain Roland Juno-106s.

Yes. I bought a Roland Juno-106. And I’d do it again, dammit!

@mo I have fallen down a bit of sampler-sequencer rabbit hole lately. I still blame you for such notions, really.

@marramgrass any particular rabbits that you’re following in said rabbit hole?

@mo All very modern. Have been fiddling with a blackbox, which is very guitar-friendly.

Have been considering a detour into a Polyend Tracker Mini, though. And keeping an eye on expenditure with a probable Digitakt in mind. You know how these things can escalate.

@mo The tracker thing is an intriguing throwback to teenaged me running OctaMED on an Amiga.

@marramgrass I only ever used BooTracker on my Amstrad. I’ve been using a Metropolix Eurorack sequencer later. You can see it on this (bottom left):

@mo Not a chance of me ever going near proper modular. Too much scope for me to get lost in there and never come back out.

@marramgrass I like the idea of a Digitakt but I think it gets me too far from the intimacy of the modular system.

@marramgrass I like that the Metropolix has the immediacy of sliders and switches, but also feels like complex jiggery pokery because you can apply mod lanes to the 2 tracks and even output the mod lanes independently. I love this explainer video from one of my favourite synthy people:

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