@mewbassprr @raichoo man. Man, that’s so true. I have the same experience from Scott’s Bass Lessons stuff I’m doing. One big thing which really helped was building knowledge of the fretboard - where the notes actually are. Then a lot of arpeggio exercises in randomised keys (I have a google sheets doc with code I wrote to randomise stuff - generates my daily schedules). Once it starts clicking it’s amazing.
@basexperience @mewbassprr I think I've seen you on Campus. The name looks familiar 😸
Cool!! Another SBler!
@raichoo @basexperience @mewbassprr Just saw this boosted, and thought I'd let you know I'm a fellow SBL'er too 😉 (We need a bass emoji!)
And let's make a more #basstodon content!
@pablobm @raichoo @mewbassprr sweet!!