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I've just read a post from someone asking for pointer on what stack to use for his final project at university. Reading the comments made me realise the state this industry is actually in. How are young folks meant to navigate the shitstorm we've created?!?

@mo I've always been here ... lurking in the shadows ... waiting ...

I'm bored and too bored to do anything about it.

@mark I started watching last night. I never read the comics but I've been a Gaiman fan for a while (not sure you can call yourself a fan if you've never read Sandman, but ...).

@nivrig at least, I've _felt_ old for a while now.

Bought some clothes today for the first time in a while. My one takeaway from the experience? Jaysus I'm fat. How did that happen?

@mark I haven't started watching it yet. I'm afraid the failsafe on my hype-o-meter kicked in.

I just want to shutdown my computer and play boardgames ... for the rest of my life.

@mo jeez, remember when 3G was the fastest connection there was?

@mo I've logged in every couple of months just to check.

Back to lurking on then :)

d3z boosted

For lent, I _really_ want to give up computers.

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