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@stuart They really do! Started with 32, 11 days ago. I'm still impressed someone took the time to build the Blahaj stock tracking app.

I'm telling myself this obsession is all training towards my data analyst skills 😂

May Cheung boosted

“Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all.” – Yvon Chouinard.

May Cheung boosted

PyConUS 2023 schedule released and keynote speakers revealed!!! 🤩
I'm proud to present @willingc @dontusethsicode @mmitchell_ai @nedbat as our keynote speakers.
Don't miss special appearances by Python Steering Council and Guido van Rossum

#PyConUS #PyConUS2023 #PyCon

May Cheung boosted

Belfast! What are you doing THIS SATURDAY?

Come one, come all to the Northern Ireland Raspberry Jam! In collaboration with the School of #Maths and #Physics at Queens University.

#raspberrypi #ireland

If you've been looking for one and haven't gotten your hands on a BLÅHAJ by now in , better act fast as there are only 2 left in stock!

May Cheung boosted

Nicola Sturgeon and Jacinda Ardern resigned of their own record when they'd had enough. Boris Johnson was kicked out by his own party when everyone else had had enough.

Oh yay. Another dose of sinusitis 🙄 This better not turn into a long covid thing 😤

Weight Loss Journey Stuff 

Also, eating healthily with lots of fresh veg is not cheap 😭

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Weight Loss Journey Stuff 

10 days and 2kg down. It's a good start but I also recognise that a lot of that is water weight and bloating from having had a TERRIBLE diet for months.

After this week I'm expecting more realistic weight loss of around 0.5kg to 1kg a week.

Not overly active due to post-covid fatigue still being a thing but have managed to make major changes to diet including reducing the amount of gluten (particularly bread) I'm eating, replaced with lots of veg and low fat protein.

May Cheung boosted

RT @isovalent
Save the date: 📌 Tuesday, February 7th, 1:00pm-1:40pm GMT. Pop by at the State of Open UK Conference to attend the "eBPF Superpowers" session by Liz Rice, the host of Platform Engineering! #SOOCon23

May Cheung boosted

RT @openuk_uk
State of Open Con is a coming…set up day!!! See you all tomorrow. If you don’t have your ticket it’s not too late to register at free tickets for students, community, those between roles, etc contact #opensource #stateofopencon #SOOCon23

May Cheung boosted

State of Open Con starts tomorrow in #London.

If you don’t have your ticket it’s not too late to register at

Free tickets for students, community, those between roles, etc contact

#OpenSource #StateOfOpenCon #SOOCon23

@d3z I get like that when deep into a project that nothing else is retained in my mind except what I need at that moment. It’s frustrating.

May Cheung boosted

Did a half empty plot of commercial real estate write this?

Weight / Body Stuff 

@MarkXA thank you! Probably will at some point when I’m staring at a massive pie and ready to inhale the entire thing like Kirby.

Weight / Body Stuff 

@stuartgibson thankfully I save calories through the week to treat myself at the weekend otherwise I’d go mad.

Weight / Body Stuff 

Back on the weight loss wagon. Haven’t been feeling good about my body for a while.

Interestingly, it looks like I’m a similar weight now than I was one year post start of lockdown. At that time, it took me 6 months to shift 8kgs and ended up slightly slimmer than pre lockdown.

Let’s see if I can replicate that again. 🤞

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