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Mark Goody boosted

#LazyWeb request:

What's the easiest way to get something like this storage backup setup for my Mac?

• I only want to back up specific folders (mainly Logic projects, audio stuff, design and dev files)

• I would ideally like a redundant backup of those backups

• I also want a drive (or partition) to keep videos and other big files I don't use often off the Mac

• I would ideally like an extra back up of that stuff too

• I don't need masses of space (~4TB or less)

(Boosts appreciated)

Mark Goody boosted

I think these barges are an excellent idea. The Tories are espousing that these barges are an acceptable standard of accommodation therefore, a couple of these moored on the Thames would remove the need for MPs having to claim for second homes nearer their place of employment.

Mark Goody boosted

This kind of brilliantly stupid shit is what I miss from the early days of the internet

Mark Goody boosted


You roll up at the facility, drive over to the JEANS hut. Dinnerlady-type in her wee hole says "What size luv," you go "thirrehfourthirrehtwoluv" while making a mental note to go easy on the pies so you can get back to 32/32, she goes "Right you are luv, tenner alright?" and chucks you a bin bag full of dead blokes' jeans that aren't too far gone and you give her a tenner and you're done, move on. T-shirts next.

T-shirts are more complicated, your jeans were the simple one to ease you into it. Pull round to a bloke eating a pasty. He asks "Size," you go "Medium or large depending y'know," he nods, "You wanting colour, drab, black or mixup?" you think about it a moment and go aye, go on then, "Mix it up mate, colours and drab," he goes "Plain or wi' shite on, plain's two quid extra," you're sure as hell not gonna advertise some bugger else's T-shirt business on your body, so you give him twelve quid and he hands you Bin Bag 2.

There's a pub on-premises that'll do you some chips or a pasty and you can watch the JCB sorting out the clothes while you drink your pint and furtle through your bags to see what you've bought.

It'd be brilliant. Buying clothes would have nae stress at all, plus if you ended up wearing shite and looking a bit of a muppet you could just go "Aye well it were in the bag weren't it" and everybody'd nod and go aye, fair do's

Mark Goody boosted

I listened to a podcast about Jason Aldean yesterday, and it left me fuming at how much bullshit these days passes for journalism.

Mark Goody boosted

Started to mute and block the "AI can code"-stans and "LLMs-can-program-like-humans" enthusiasts because it's like talking to a wall.

The response to "LLMs is using statistics to autocomplete code that may or may not work, they don't actually understand or can reason about problems (the number one thing programmers do)" is always "but the next version will fix this". Since like 3 versions ago.

It's a category error to assume AI will ever be able to write complex software.

Mark Goody boosted

Dune predicted AI getting banned but it'd be funny if instead of some all out robot war it'd just be because of copyright violations.

Gratuitous weather posting 

It’s got pretty warm here over the last couple of hours 🥵

Mark Goody boosted

To be clear: I have a lot of privilege! Like, shitloads. But also I appreciate what I have, I value it, and I don't measure others against what I have. And I also don't think having or not having X, whatever that variable may be, says anything about a person.

That's why people get so pissy about privilege, I think. Using what you have as a tool to look down on people is a shitty thing to do, and they know it.

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Just saw the hashtag on a post about donkeys, and that's up there with .


Aargh. Jira's board has changed to let you edit the title of a card right there in place. But now when I click on a card to open the issue I end up in the title edit field 😑

Mark Goody boosted

The PM calling a degree a "rip off" because it doesn't lead to a high-paying job - and this framing being uncritically adopted by the press - is the UK showing it's a country that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Expressed my dad-ness by uttering the phrase, “that’s some rain out there.”

Mark Goody boosted

Umberto Eco uses 50% less fuel and 30% less packaging than regular Umberto

Mark Goody boosted
Mark Goody boosted

Related: if you find yourself thinking doctors in England are paid too much, you probably need to broaden your sources of news and information

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Mark Goody boosted

On public sector pay “Rishi Sunak” says it’s not right to put taxes up for everyone to pay “some people” (doctors and nurses, teachers etc) more. In fact that’s how a society works. I’d happily pay more tax if it was going into the pockets of NHS staff and teachers.

Mark Goody boosted

OCD, intrusive thoughts, body horror 

Next time you think about making an "I'm just OCD" joke, bear in mind that actual OCD often comes with intrusive thoughts, which are what the bizarre behaviour is an effort to counter/appease. As there's so little understanding of how distressing this can be, sufferers sometimes are driven to take their own extreme steps just to get some peace. Like this case where someone tried to chemically castrate themselves with calcium chloride.

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