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I'm being a cheeky bugger at work today. Even more than normal.

Mark Goody boosted

Is mowing down wee kids at 30mph and killing them (when you could have driven at 20mph and they'd survive) a true reflection of "British values"? 🤔

#Wales #RishiSunak #UKPol

Mark Goody boosted

If you folks have never seen the original 1970 film "The Andromeda Strain" - you should go watch it.

Because this is basically the whole setup of the film.

As you can imagine, hilarity ensues. *blood curdling screams*

Mark Goody boosted

UKPol, Met Police 

Am I the only person who remembers all the way back to last week when the Met had so many misconduct and incompetence investigations to work through it was going to take years? And now the members of this same organisation are throwing a strop over not being allowed to murder with impunity?

Mark Goody boosted

Doctors can be arrogant. It’s not hard to understand why. Sometimes nuance can feel as it is backfiring. Often there simply is not enough time or resources to communicate clearly. In public health the dangers of over complicating advisories, recommendations & mandates with exceptions & conditions only multiplies.

The public simultaneously wants simple clear rules that don’t waffle or change, but the public will also punish those who make such rules for their lack of transparency and nuance. 1/

Mark Goody boosted

Oh sure, of course NFTs aren't worth anything - but the AI is still real, right?


Mark Goody boosted

"Three Bins for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to recycle,
One for the Tory Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Britain where the Gammons lie.
One Bin to recycle it all, One Bin to place them,
One Bin to sling them all and in the darkness burn them
In the Land of Britain where the Gammons lie."

-- The Bins of Power

Watching YouTubers with shelves of amps and pedals behind them, and racks of guitars. It all looks class, but I find myself wondering about keeping all that clear of dust—they’re not all getting played every day!

Mark Goody boosted

What's fun is if something terrible happens and you point to what caused it, you're ruining someone's morning because the polite thing is to say "Oh, that's awful" and then change nothing, do nothing, forget it as soon as the words leave your lips.

Mark Goody boosted

ukpol, climate 

Rishi Sunak’s lazy daily-mail-pleasing tactic of backing away from green energy commitments is a first-class example of how our current politicians are utterly incapable of looking after our long-term futures. It’s pathetic, lazy and incredibly shortsighted.

Mark Goody boosted

It’s infuriating listening to Sunak kick the climate change can down the road, in a tone of voice better suited to talking to a primary school age audience.

Mark Goody boosted
Mark Goody boosted

Maybe one day when we've all left Unity behind us there will be Godot drama too and we can refer to it as "Godot War"

Mark Goody boosted

I absolutely abhor that with every study that proves universal basic income works (how many studies does it take before it’s actually implemented universally?) there’s the qualifier “homeless people didn’t spend as much money on booze and drugs as we thought”. So condescending.

We don’t scrutinize rich people this way. There’s the assumption that rich people deserve that choice because the money belongs to them.
Poor people have to answer to some arbitrary social expectation of acceptable behaviour before they are “allowed” to be housed, fed, clothed, etc.

It shouldn’t matter how basic universal income is spent. The whole point is that we all get the choice and the possibility to live a comfortable life. It’s not up to any of us to decide what comfort looks like for anyone.

Some people don’t fit social expectations and it’s apparently not ok only when they are poor.

Mark Goody boosted
Mark Goody boosted

Labour will treat Channel people smugglers as terrorists, says Starmer

Fuck Starmer. The man has his finger unerringly on the pulse of English tabloid opinion, which makes him a hateful bigot and an authoritarian control freak.

Instagram just served me an ad for a prosthetic leg. That’s not something I’ve ever needed. Algorithms, eh?

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