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@chartier this is like Anakin’s sand rant but for wires. I love it.

@bazscott by last summer they’d expanded into the building next door. It was massive. Also I was day drinking 🙂

@bazscott I was in last summer and the bar server saw me look at a painting of the H&W cranes on the wall. He started to explain what they were, so I whipped out my phone and showed him a picture of them taken from our office balcony at home 🙂

What if the best value you can give to shareholders is making a better world?

@slaine @kjhealy hmmm, wonder if Virgin media player is available in the UK App Store. We get the RTÉ Player in the north with some restrictions, usually when the content clashes with Sky in the UK like Premier League matches.

If the Irish Virgin Media Player isn’t available to the north then I’ll have to get all uppity about the Good Friday Agreement and start waving my passport about 😉

@slaine @kjhealy better than here. I couldn’t get it on RTÉ player so had to watch ITV instead.

It’s an orange vinyl night apparently.

@caseyliss please send Marco a copy. For the DMB, and for the vinyl.

@joshua @spins heh. I was wondering who would point that out! It’s a Philips Hue LED tube 😉

@PadraigOCinneide this is a great idea. I have my Irish and British ready to go. My only regret is not seeing if I could use an Irish version of my name for the Irish passport so that I have different identities.

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Hello to my new followers and job people.

I’m iain, a remote macOS developer based in the UK. I’ve had 20+ years experience of being remote so I know how to handle it.

For the last 8 years I worked on Visual Studio for Mac and was responsible for making it accessible and rewriting the UI shell into native Cocoa. I miss it, it was a good IDE and a good project RIP. I know hoW to write Swift&ObjC as well as C#.

I also have a passion for media based apps and write sample editors and VJ apps for fun (no profit). I like writing apps.

So #fedihire whatcha got for me?

Mo boosted

Hello to my new followers and job people.

I’m iain, a remote macOS developer based in the UK. I’ve had 20+ years experience of being remote so I know how to handle it.

For the last 8 years I worked on Visual Studio for Mac and was responsible for making it accessible and rewriting the UI shell into native Cocoa. I miss it, it was a good IDE and a good project RIP. I know hoW to write Swift&ObjC as well as C#.

I also have a passion for media based apps and write sample editors and VJ apps for fun (no profit). I like writing apps.

So #fedihire whatcha got for me?

@oisin @spins I can never forget these lads. Still one of my favourite bands. Probably made me the person that I am today!

@oisin @bazscott I can’t have these as they don’t interact well with my anti-depressants, though they’re fine with both my blood pressure meds.

@oisin I’m pleased for you. You and your eyes that look like a pint viewed from under a glass table.

I’m just jealous. Had been planning on a few pints until I got Covid.

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