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@schwa I will fly to California if you let me straighten up those labels

@yougenius @synthdiy the build instructions are pretty good, and I watched along with Mylar Melodies as he did a live stream of a build on YouTube.

@iain no. Yes. No. I mustn’t. What do you have? No I shouldn’t. Shut up and take my money!

It took quite a few evening and weekend sessions in between family commitments, but my first proper @synthdiy build is done. A Music Thing Modular Turing Machine. Had a setback when I had to take the front panel back off in order to calibrate, as I didn’t have a screwdriver slim or long enough to get through the hole to the trimmer. All good in the end though.

@schwa and then there’s the podcasters who are going out and “reserving” their username on a bunch of services that they may never use. They get very annoyed at other people who might have the same name as them, who have a legit right to use it.

@schwa reminds me of the podcasters trying to figure out where they want to “bring their content to” when they leave Twitter. I think some folks think their ramblings are some sort of art form.

@stuartgibson @JPEGuin Getting the same. I've just logged into the web interface to post something again after the crash.

Support the striking nurses, please. But don’t support them because they’re saints or they fulfil some sort of Florence Nightingale fantasy you might have. Support them because they are workers who deserve to be fairly paid. Like the postal workers, the transport workers, and all the other workers who are striking now for fair wages.

@joshua well you’re very fucking useful AFTER the fact!

@nottadamb yeah, trying my hand (as well as burning it) at a Music Thing Modular Turing Machine. Hoping to finish this weekend, but holiday parties keep interfering with my flesh searing time!

@stuartgibson I was making a synthesiser module so does that mean I can say: “I’ll be Bach”?

Soldered my fucking hand tonight. My magnifying lens was too close to the PCB so there wasn’t enough space to work in. Think I need a higher strength lens.

@schwa yeah, it was probably inspired by this moment. Fuck you Bono.

@LeifB73 my phone is called Spacecowboy because some people call me Maur-reece. And I will regularly wolf whistle to myself when I see the name.

@acf I have no recollection of it now, but my first professional task was to wrap zlib for compressing WAP Push messages.

@schwa quote tweets are for Gruber link-post wannabes

@oisin ah for fucks sake. I see her on it now. Normally IMDb do acting credits before soundtrack credits, but they’ve buried her acting stuff further along the list! Cheers for helping me out!

@oisin what was the show called? I did a quick search on IMDB and it’s not got her in anything recent. Róisín Murphy is a fierce great musician. I really want to go see her next summer, but coming down to Dublin for gigs is getting very cost prohibitive.

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