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Look, say what you will about trans people seeking out hormone therapy.

But I'm a cis dude and as soon as I turned 40, my entire Facebook feed became 50% testosterone ads.

Gender affirming treatment is a thing for everybody, you're only bothered when some people do it in a way you don't agree with.

Mo boosted

It’s only a toot if it comes from the Mastodón region of France. Otherwise it’s just a sparkling fart.

Mo boosted

Oh boy, #tusky is good. Thanks for the recommendation @saraita101
Anyone still using the mastodon app on Android you might want to switch to Tusky. Way nicer layout, easy to see everything in your home server and easy to switch between accounts.

Looking forward to the point in time when the only person left over at the birdsite is

Mo boosted

I've seen one or two profiles with the phrase "Boosts are not endorsements" and I wanted to ask if we, as a community, can nip that in the bud?

This isn't the other place. There are no algos to game. There is no audience to reach. What we _do_ have is our curated content, our interests, and our community.

Boosting is ABSOLUTELY endorsing something. It's you, taking a post, and saying "this is good enough for #MastoDaoine to see".

Anything else is inciting controversy, leave that shit behind.

Mo boosted

Me: I’ve bought a Roland 808 clone
Wife: What are you going to do with that?
Me: I’ll probably make some electro stuff, do some old school ravey beats
…a while later…
Wife: What’s that you’re doing, it sounds familiar?
Me: Nothing!
Wife: Is that…
Me: No
Wife: Is that…
Me: NO!
Wife: It’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” by Whitney Houston, isn’t it?
Me: Yes…

I think one of the nicest aspects of Mastodon is that people are less likely to dunk on you.

Eugen’s firm stance on no quoted toots takes away one of the most performative aspects of the birdsite, and I’m very thankful for that. But even the regular interactions feel like you’re speaking to an audience who just want to find out more about everybody they meet. It’s refreshing, to say the least.

Just waiting for Elon to fire the person who renews domain names so that I can snap up twitter dot com and use it for a Mastodon instance when it lapses.

The instance hasn’t exactly seen thousands of new users but that’s been a relief for me! It’s still great to see new tooters joining up and old tooters returning to use the instance again.

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Mo boosted

- Woke up late
- Walked along the beach
- Saw some seals
- Had turkey and ham for dinner
- Watched Goosebumps 2
- Watched The Witches
- Watched Hocus Pocus 2
- Going to bed early

A great day

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Mo boosted
Mo boosted

Boost this if you like soup or

if you wanna destroy capitalism

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NI Tech

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!