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@atpfm please let me be the nth listener to suggest the name Apple Juice for their replaceable battery product.

@pcalc Do you have the ability to show metric prefixes like nano, pico, etc, and to switch between them?

The Befaco Hexmix VCA was a fairly involved build. I reckon there were 140 resistors, about 60 capacitors, 12 jacks and 18 pots. Ran out of time to do calibration and playing with it, but initial test showed I have a dodgy input jack on one channel. Gonna have to remedy that and then test the CV inputs as well.

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It’s December, so work has now entered what I’m going to call “mullet time”. The next three weeks will have a number of social gatherings at the end of the week, so they’re going to be business at the front and party at the back.

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There’s no possible compelling case, no ends that could *ever* justify the means, for bombing babies in hospitals. There’s no way back for Israel from this. They are forever a state which chose the mass murder of children for revenge.

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I’m not sure any software makes me feel as good about computers as spreadsheets do.

I don’t mind getting an item from IKEA that has been returned and repackaged as new, but it’d be nice if they had checked that the returned materials included all parts. The instruction booklet was in two parts, one part folded, the parts packet arrived ripped open, and the parts were wrong (as compared to the booklet).

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I’ve worked in tech for 21 years. I decided today that I was overdue in joining a union. Really grateful for the United Tech and Allied Workers branch of the CWU attending the exhibitors hall at NIDevConf a couple of weekends ago.

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