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I have a lot more to say, but I'll hold it for now and simply wonder aloud...

Which BigTech clouds are the "Lavender" & "Where's Daddy?" AI systems running on? What APIs are they using? Which libraries are they calling?

What work did my former colleagues, did I, did *you* contribute to that may now be enabling this automated slaughter?

(Also, content warning. This is some of the sickest shit I've ever read.)

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is there slang for when companies try to cut costs by replacing real artists with plagiarism-laundering machines

if not, i propose: "six-finger discount"

@eternalstorms Hey Matthias! It's nice to find you over here!

My Macs had been slow picking up the update to ScreenFloat 2 and I've been really appreciating it, so I wanted to say thanks again. It's genuinely one of my essential Mac apps, and working on a Mac without it is not fun!

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This new trend of podcasts posting video clips reinforces for me that Americans talk too slowly and is going to be a problem. At least when I have them trapped in my podcast app I can make them speak at normal speed, but when they escape to video mediums it’s so much harder to bend them to my will.

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A pathetically weak post from @caseynewton

Despite laying out the myriad issues Substack has exhibited by aligning itself with Nazis, and reading like the inevitable conclusion will be that it is no longer viable for Platformer to remain there, it sputters out with a cowardly “let’s hope they do better”.

The only possible opinion to draw from this is that, like Substack itself, Casey is fine with the status quo, but wants to be seen paying lip service to decrying it.

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