First concert in four years, if I remember correctly. Just saw , now waiting for

Aplicación web para reservar cita de renovación de pasaporte/DNI español. Página de pago 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 Atención al detalle de que, para algunos bancos, los pagos sólo funcionan a ciertas horas.

Paying for curry delivery last night, the restaurant's webapp threw a security error. Apparently I was sending a potentially dangerous request!

In reality, an input validator had decided that the password I was sending (on account creation) had funny characters, perhaps an attempt to inject malicious code.

Anyway, I had to retry with a weaker password...

GMail thinks that this (legit and expected) email from Scottish Widows is sus, and I have to agree.

They are training their customers to fall for phishing emails, aren't they.

NI Tech

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