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Oh and probably time to remind everyone how I had a password rejected because it contained my username. My username was 'r'.

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"The licensing group that controls the HDMI standard, the HDMI Forum, has reportedly told AMD that it does not allow an open source implementation of the HDMI 2.1 (or HDMI 2.1+) specification"

Hence, linux users are not able to get the full screen resolution and speed out of HDMI connections.

Imagine if we spoke about wearing glasses like we do other disabilities.

“Oh, you don’t need them, just SEE harder.”

“What’s wrong with you? You’re just making it up for attention.”

“Oh, sorry, we can’t make the text bigger, it’s just how we do things.”

And yet, wearing glasses is acceptable and normal. But if you didn’t wear them, you would be disabled! You wouldn’t be able to see properly. We have made a wholesale, societal adjustment for people who wear glasses to the point where glasses are now a fashionable item that people wear false lenses for.

It is possible to make accessibility part of the world we live in. It is possible to do it in such a way that as a civilisation, we don’t even see it as a disability, but as something completely normal.

If you know a better rock band than Band-Maid please let me know. New official live MV for "Don´t you tell me": #MastersAndPrincesses #BandMaid #Jrock #Po

Hispanoparlantes, pregunta: ¿qué nombre dais al vaso de plástico, presumiblemente con capacidad de ~1L, en el que típicamente se sirven bebidas alcohólicas?

¡Otras variantes (y su ubicación geográfica) en los comentarios, por favor!

Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

Day 20

Q: Why were Black folk so happy when OJ was acquitted? To be honest, it feels disgusting. Why does it seem like you're happy he got away with murder?

A: Y'all are gonna need to resist the urge to reply until you've read the whole thread. And I mean, the whole thread.

It's not about OJ:

Black History Month Megathread:

There. I just favourited a Taylor Swift song. I hope y'all are happy now.

Today in the USA we celebrate the Presidents of the United States of America, who in 1996 gave us millions of peaches, peaches for free.

I wrote about a weird (to me) syntax error in that is not quite like other syntax errors: `void value expression` 🤔

PSA: Stop calling these: () brackets!

These () are parentheses

These [] are brackets

These {} are curly braces

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Anyone else bookmark posts they plan to revisit and then completely forget about them?

tool shout out of the day: direnv

i've been using this for like.. almost a year now? it's solid, does exactly what it says on the tin

Oh hey, the Attorney General of Indiana has published a snitch line for schools that teach LGBTQ+ issues, or make Woke materials available to their students!

Here’s the URL. Use it responsibly. Don’t use it to report Godzilla flying the Trans flag or anything like that, ok?

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