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The word "excellent" is derived from the Christian practice of giving up the use of Microsoft Excel for 40 days to commemorate Christ's sacrifice.

It is a period of great productivity.

The date of lent is calculated by using an obscure Excel macro on a field that didn't originally have anything to do with dates, but Excel converted it to one anyway.

Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics:

A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.

Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*.

Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA

Recordatorio de que "Ostia" sin "H" es el puerto de Roma. ¡Sin hache no hay herejía!

I genuinely feel like #Protomaps is not nearly getting the attention it deserves

We can drop a single file on a static host and get stylable vector maps? Magic ✨

In combination with Maplibre it's a game changer for 99% of web map use cases 👏

#OpenStreetMap #MapLibre #Maps #Mapstodon

Folks, if you happen to publish videos on #youtube, don't make the mistake (like me) to use their audio library. This keeps you from publishing your content somewhere else like #peertube.

Ah, here's that original post! Or at least a screenshot of someone else posting it...

Apropos of nothing, here's a reminder that donations to Wikimedia UK qualify for Gift Aid:

This means that WMUK get more out of each £ you give and, if you are a high-rate taxpayer, HMRC will give you some money back at the end of the year (remember to note it down somewhere!)

My hot take on ruby constants from

Don't use constants in Ruby just to store magic values. Store them as class methods instead.

class Person
self.default_role = “user"

There are a few reasons, but the main one is that it's much easier to update if the constant turns out to be not constant and actually have logic behind it…

This is a smart explanation of how the "masks don't work" message spread & why we know masks do work (and so does flossing) even if there aren't randomized controlled trials to prove it

I understand that sending texts in meticulously capitalized and punctuated complete sentences makes me An Old and the thing is I am 100% fine with that.

Just did a playthrough on @mmasnick and team's Trust & Safety game. Really good. As someone who worked closely with that team at Twitter, I know first-hand just how complicated and nuanced this space is, and the game reflects the complexity nicely.

(I had to leave Yapper before the end of the second year, FWIW).

At this year's @emberfest in Madrid, I gave a talk about the need for companies to invest into the open source projects they build on – specifically #emberjs in this case.

Failing to invest can lead to significant cost over time (when you might have to rewrite eventually) – in comparison the investments needed to ensure sustainability are neglectable.

Reach out if you want to invest in Ember and join our Embroider initiative!


If you were the woman on a yellow racing bike who was attacked by a car driver this evening (Tue 17 Oct at 19:00) near #potsdammerplatz in #berlin, then I am a witness, have photos and the numberplate of the car.

Please boost - I guess on Muskrat and Zuck-controlled asocial media as well.

#angriff #autofahrer #autogewalt

-rw-r--r--@ 1 pablobm staff 63G 18 Oct 09:44 test.log

Blimey Charlie!

Forgive me for not really being excited by the ideas being mooted for post-Bandcamp options at the moment. While some of them seem to have the point of sale part pretty well sorted, at least in concept, looking at everything that Bandcamp got right, it would be extraordinarily difficult to fully replicate that infrastructure from scratch in a way that got close to the experience for artists or audience.

"Running a successful open source project is just Good Will Hunting in reverse, where you start out as a respected genius and end up being a janitor who gets into fights." - Byrne Hobart

Looks like Ruby is getting virtual top-level namespaces. Dependencies can be required in these namespaces without polluting the global namespace.


Dev meeting conclusion:

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