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Oof 😅

-rw-r--r--@ 1 pablobm staff 96G 15 Jan 14:44 test.log

"What we are doing has been found to be highly successful so we will stop doing it"

#COVID #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
a EU citizen's initiative to tax the rich more so that we can take more action against global warming and social inequalities.

It currently has 100k+ total votes, but we need a lot more to make it work. France already has 130% of the needed votes (76k out of 55k), but e.g the netherlands only 2% (400 out of 20k).

I just voted as dutch citizen, but if you know anyone that would also be interested in this, please do refer them to the website!

Didn’t knowingly hear Last Christmas at all this past December, despite spending it wholly in the UK. I need a different plan for next December

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if we’d just done as we were told on New Year’s Eve 1999 and turned off all our computers we wouldn’t be in this mess

Some thoughts on why leftist / #activist / #anarchist / #community groups fail – and how it should feel to organise.

Very WIP, thoughts welcome

I spent a decade of my life creating game assets, the result is a lot of game assets. They're free, no ads, no tracking, no registration, no subscription, no permission needed, no need for attribution and suited for any use including commercial.

Well, released another single? Again no idea of what’s going on. No info out there. Is there an album in the works? I can do with one for 2024

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Made it to Christmas Day without (knowingly) hearing Last Christmas. I may have won , but I clearly need to get out more

A friend in #Berlin asks: "does anyone have a wheelchair to lend for the next week? or know where it is possible to rent one in berlin tomorrow?" 😧

Please get in touch if you have or know something! <3

Edit 20231225 - A temporary solution was found. Thanks all for your support and suggestions! <3

If you do any image editing at all on a Mac and do not have a copy of Pixelmator Pro yet—the app is 50% off for the next 24 hours. For $24.99 this app is an incredible bargain.

I'm confused by their community management though. The song is in their Twitter feed, but not their YouTube channel. Instead it's in a different... YouTube Music channel? No idea how this works. And there's very little information around.

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Unexpected single release from "To our Blue" I don't like it as much as their previous efforts, but I'm glad to hear they are still around, after the radio silence.


Rocket men Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos face off for the crown. We only wish the winner could be blasted into the sun as a reward!


#WorstPersonInTech #tech

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NI Tech

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!