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Tontería random: se me ha ocurrido ahora que la traducción perfecta de "sarao" al inglés es "shindig". He mirado definiciones un poco y me parecen dar la razón.

Suddenly, at 0 notice, we must choose a thermostat. And this being 2024, one does not simply choose a thermostat. Anyone have a recommendation for one that has reasonable programmability, but does not use "the cloud", require internet, etc.? (UK/Europe)

The fun thing about Microsoft's new "Recall" product is that it's one of those projects that I've thought would be very cool for years, but ruled out ever building because it's impossible to adequately keep the right kind of information secret and be sure of it. Even if it's "just running locally". But here we are now, apparently.

Be careful if you try Heroku Router 2.0. We gave it a try, and it was a disaster. Couldn't revert it, had to completely rebuild our production app.

Hey folks!

I'm the creator of Python @pillow & today is my birthday. Can I ask you for a favor?

I'm looking for a new role & I'd appreciate a boost. Check out my resume here:


I'm passionate about Python, open source & making a living with open source. What's the next move?

Thank you @willmcgugan for the nudge ❤️

Comparto una de esas cosas que hacía de niño, cuando no tenía dinero para comprar un Amstrad o Atari pero tenía muchas ganas de jugar con videojuegos. Tantas, tantas que con 9 o 10 años me inventaba mis propios videojuegos hechos con papel y cartón pintados. Os dejo una reproducción de aquellas "Juego-cajas", que rápidamente se pusieron de moda entre los amigos del barrio y donde cada uno dibujaba sus propias "aventuras". Además ganaba pasta! 😅

Un pequeño video:

Perspective: the biggest carbon capture plant in the world sequesters 1 millionth of our annual emissions. We would have to build a million of these plants to _not_increase_ the CO2 level. And we need to significantly _decrease_ the CO2 level.

Carbon capture is a scam.


I'm totally useless at social media, innit? I should have said instead.

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I'm really enjoying "Phantoma", the new album by Unleash the Archers! 🤘 Very happy that I preordered it last

“do you know ascii code 7?”
“yea, that rings a bell.”

I've written up the above scam in more detail.

Remember, no matter how clever and security-conscious you think you are, these criminals are highly sophisticated.

You have to be lucky every single time. They only have to be lucky once.

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Bender & Shah 2024 is now officially published *as open access* at TWeb.

For everyone who is using or promoting LLM driven chatbots as information access systems: this one is for you

You would be surprised at how much I would pay for this, if it actually existed.

I want to do a test on how much traffic and resources the Mastodon embed takes on my server, so boost this plz

Edit: *all done, you can stop sharing now lol*

Uuuh, I guess I need a new job soon...

Who's hiring Rust people at the moment? Preferably based in Germany/ Europe? CV is here:

[ #GetFediHired #Rustlang ]

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