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Imagine a job offer that read:

"As a condition of your employment, you will spend an additional 60 to 90 minutes every day in a mildly unpleasant environment accomplishing nothing. You will not be compensated for this time, nor any costs incurred during this time. Nothing that happens during this time will be valued or recognized by your employer in any way. However, should you decline these conditions or fail to complete them you will be fired."

A reasonable person might ask "what the hell".

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I made a little site for Parklife - using Parklife of course!

Dear fellow Mastodon users with astigmatism: in case you missed this, abandoning "night mode" will make reading things on a computer monitor much, much easier. On your local instance it may be settings/preferences/appearance


If you’re at @emberfest in Dublin this year, make sure to say hi to our @real_ate, Marine, @nickschot, Bart, and @marcoow

They’ll also be able to tell you everything about the #emberjs initiative:

When I was a university student, I applied for unpaid internships to practice my interviewing skills. If I received an offer, I always declined. I did this to get back at exploitative companies by wasting their time while practicing my interviewing skills for free.

I got hold of an old Focusrite Scarlett device, and put it to work on Linux. With a couple of caveats, it works really well. All plug&play! 🚀

Then I spent way too long writing about it. Perhaps one day it will be useful to some confused soul out there?

Por favor . ¿podéis difundir este mensaje?:
Busco en #Sabadell o cercanías, un centro de rehabilitación que admitan enfermos medulares, o alguna asociación que tenga rehabilitación.
Por favor, ayudadme, porque es muy urgente.

When folks ask me “Is this [thing] accessible?” I often respond with questions. To save time in the future and maybe help those folks with their own due diligence, I gathered those questions in a post:

#a11y #accessibility

una lástima que la iniciativa para cobrar impuestos a los ricos en europa apenas pase de los 260 mil firmas.

This is an example of taking something that’s true about power and instead of interrogating it, spinning it as a justification of power.

VCs are the gatekeepers of technology progress. You can’t compete with OpenAI without billions from tech bros. Does that make them geniuses or simply gatekeepers who decide who gets to be the disruptor? 🤔


This initiative calls to require publishers that sell or license videogames to consumers in the European Union (or related features and assets sold for videogames they operate) to leave said videogames in a functional (playable) state.

To be successful, a European citizens' initiative has to reach one million statements of support as well as minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries.

telegram link:

One thing I'd like non-admin users to understand:

If you see a person being dogpiled by bigots: don't immediately assume their instance admins aren't doing their job.

Here at we subscribe to Tier 0 blocklists.

We also communicate with other admins regularly to keep abreast of bad actors.

We also contribute to an example off-site shared blocklist.

And I've been blocking racist, transphobic and unacceptable-paraphilia instances all week. And individuals.

We don't have tooling. We have a hashtag, and word of mouth. We have the reports from our users who've had to witness awful shit to bring it to our attention.

It can be a full time job and new instances are made all the time.

And when we mass block those instances as a community, they just make more. Users make new accounts to evade us.

And: some of you who are blaming it on the victims admins, are existing on poorly moderated instances.

The shit does not stop, and we don't have the tools.

Why is it always "she slept her way to the top" and never "he withheld career advancement and promotions in exchange for sexual exploitation"

It’s been a minute since I have been in the #mastodon world.

I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 2 clear cell renal carcinoma. I’m 32 years old and soon to be 33. I was given the “go home and don’t come back convo” from my oncologist which is great.

My first scans on May 31st were clean, and my next ones are October 31st. Would love to connect with other #cancer folks here if there are any.

If this doesn’t apply to you, that’s fine, but boost if you can ❤️👏🏻❗️

#cancer #youngadultcancer

wtf Temu's email unsubscribe link goes to a webpage that says your WiFi is disconnected. Over HTTPS. Try it yourself (works with or without the ? tags which I removed)

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NI Tech

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!