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I've been a professional programmer for 25 years. This year, I hope to learn how to program properly.

I've just switch my display setting in MacOS all the way to 'Larger Text'. It means I'm old, but I'm happy.

@Zoeswipe I haven’t played 7 Wonders in a while.

You need a hand?
Sure, take mine.
You’re not strong enough?
It’s OK, neither am I.
But we are.

d3z boosted

we're all doing the best we can, except for me, I'm absolutely phoning it in

TFW it's 12pm and the cursor hasn't moved in your editor since 9am.

@OpinionatedGeek @mo I'm contemplating a single-user (i.e. me) homegrown (i.e. hacked together) instance. You'll get another follow if it works.

@mo Except it isn't because I refreshed that machine when I bought my new one :( Some days I depair for past me.

@mo the key for which will be on my old laptop ... which I'm booting now to check.

@mo ahhh ... that's what all those emails are about when someone joins the instance. I need to take my responsibilities a little more seriously.

@OpinionatedGeek VaultWarden is a good shout. I'll have a look at that.

@OpinionatedGeek I keep going back to an experiment I thought I’d run at some point where I’d get a group together who would agree on what protocols to use to talk to each other then each member would build their own clients. -lazy-dont-care

d3z boosted

@d3z Running VaultWarden has been great - if you need/want a password manager, it's really good and works flawlessly (as far as I can tell) with Bitwarden clients. I run Nextcloud too, and it's handy (but slow on a Pi). Haven't felt the need to run other services (or haven't found good enough services to run). Yet.

@OpinionatedGeek I wish I had some stories. I need to start thinking about doing something taleworthy.

@OpinionatedGeek I go through periods of thinking that I should just host all my own services. Even write my own and dogfood them. Then it goes back to that lazy and caring enough thing.

@OpinionatedGeek a Northern Ireland instance you say? That would be a horrible idea (/me checks the name of the instance he's posing from)

I'm working on an actual real-life project using Jetpack Compose. So far, I think I hate it. But that's just an old man yelling at the sky. No need to 'at' me.

If I wasn't so lazy (and cared more) I should probably just setup my own instance. But none of the above prerequisites have been met.

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