@fluxusnerd we're talking everything from function signatures to editor key bindings. Could be I'm just getting too old for this s**t.
@Zoeswipe I haven’t played 7 Wonders in a while.
@OpinionatedGeek @mo I'm contemplating a single-user (i.e. me) homegrown (i.e. hacked together) instance. You'll get another follow if it works.
@norniron what about ye !?
@mo Except it isn't because I refreshed that machine when I bought my new one :( Some days I depair for past me.
@mo the key for which will be on my old laptop ... which I'm booting now to check.
@mo ahhh ... that's what all those emails are about when someone joins the instance. I need to take my responsibilities a little more seriously.
@OpinionatedGeek VaultWarden is a good shout. I'll have a look at that.
@OpinionatedGeek I keep going back to an experiment I thought I’d run at some point where I’d get a group together who would agree on what protocols to use to talk to each other then each member would build their own clients. #too-lazy-dont-care
@d3z Running VaultWarden has been great - if you need/want a password manager, it's really good and works flawlessly (as far as I can tell) with Bitwarden clients. I run Nextcloud too, and it's handy (but slow on a Pi). Haven't felt the need to run other services (or haven't found good enough services to run). Yet.
@OpinionatedGeek I wish I had some stories. I need to start thinking about doing something taleworthy.
@OpinionatedGeek I go through periods of thinking that I should just host all my own services. Even write my own and dogfood them. Then it goes back to that lazy and caring enough thing.