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Fixed up the Chikipower (and somehow caused an LED to stop working), but now have power attached to the breadboard with the AY-3-8910 on it. Will have to start experimenting with the AY and Arduino, as well as plan what I/O the module will have.

Just because something is difficult does not mean we shouldn’t try our hardest to succeed at it.

@bazscott There's a hidden agenda here, wherein you try to get people to stop using foo and bar so that they go straight to Baz instead. I'm onto you!

I regret to inform you Mastodon, but your cat will never be as beautiful as this cat.

No. YOU went and bought Mutable Instruments style knobs for your Rings clone.

So yeah, I bought a guitar pedal. But no, I’m not doing anything with the guitar these days. I only bought the BOSS Multi Overtone pedal because it’s called MO-2. I am that vain.

2022 is the year we bought a house in Ballycastle and get to enjoy views like this whenever we want. I really can’t complain.

It took quite a few evening and weekend sessions in between family commitments, but my first proper @synthdiy build is done. A Music Thing Modular Turing Machine. Had a setback when I had to take the front panel back off in order to calibrate, as I didn’t have a screwdriver slim or long enough to get through the hole to the trimmer. All good in the end though.

Wee bit of DIY today. Finally worked up the courage to get stuck into the Music Thing Modular Turing Machine. I was watching along with a Mylar Melodies livestream from back in March, and it was nice to feel like I was building along with him.

Dahmer, cannibalism 

I don’t think this could be a worse advertising partnership, unless they specifically advertised Meat Feast pizzas. Might need to work on the Brand Safety there, All4.


Went to the shop for bread and milk. Had to pass the pub on the way. Got distracted.

All ready to go with the Korg SQ1 sequencer. And with some space for more later. I have a Music Thing Modular Turing Machine to be built and I think it’d be perfect in this.

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For some flexibility in a small space I’ve include the Disting EX. It has multiple algorithms so can be put to many uses. I included the TMB (Tiny MIDI Breakout). I probably won’t be using MIDI, but it’s not going to be useful anywhere else on its own.

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Before the output, I want a filter so I’ve stuck in my Dreadbox Eudemonia. It’s got low and high pass, a VCA, and a mixer section, with CV control over lots of stuff. Also the sliders are a nice deviation from knobs everywhere.

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Sticking with the audio source end of the rack I’ve decided to throw my Behringer Brains in. It’s basically a Mutable Instruments Plaits, but more affordable, and has a lot of interesting sounds available from a single module. Having it all in a single module allows for plenty of variety, especially as we can use CV control from Maths to switch between sounds as well.

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Moving to the other side, I’ve included the Make Noise Maths module for some modulations.

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Starting with the output, I put in my Erica Synths Pico Output. This will allow me to plug in headphones and actually hear some audio that isn’t at level.

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New module arrived today, which meant that I was able to start setting up the mini . Will continue in the thread rather than flooding the timeline, but here’s the empty rack waiting to be filled.

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