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That was Apollo on the smorgasbord of icons, right?

@jamesthomson “Dick is calling…” But I don’t know anyone called di…… oh.

Did they use the Ultrahand ability to make the UltraFusion technology, or the Fuse ability?

That’s my new laptop sorted. I’m very excited about that 15” Air

@ianRobinson I have whatever is the mostest I can pay Apple each month 🙂

@ianRobinson I get what you’re saying. I can be playing different things concurrently on different devices.

@ianRobinson I don’t understand why a family plan should make a difference. I often have multiple HomePods playing and stuff going on laptop and phone. I do have a family plan but all those devices are playing from my account, not other family members’ accounts.

@vinnycoyne otherwise I’m in trouble when I shout at the cats; Spacey and Spooky!

@vinnycoyne oh wow. That’s in the ballpark but I’d like to think “two syllables ending in an ee sound” is not all they listen for!

@upgrade @jsnell request for next years draft to have a theme song for macOS name picks. I suggest “California naming” to the tune of “California Dreaming”

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If you're a music, dance or fitness enthusiast, our new Perfect Tempo update might be just what you need :)

* Change the tempo of any song on Apple Music + songs from the Music app and Files app.
* Arrange songs into Setlists for continous play
* Control playback from your Apple Watch
* And lots more...

@opsGordon my daughter was just using Perfect Tempo on Saturday to learn a new dance for an Irish dancing competition. This will help for future routine learning!

@briannawu @MikeElgan having seen the Tetris movie recently this makes total sense. Console, computer, and handheld rights were all accounted for, but nobody had taken McNugget distribution rights.

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@joshua ah, but the bus was where the power was coming from so I could only have tasered the module itself. Especially as it had no power going into it through the normal power connector. Now that I think about it, the auxiliary module needs power too so I was probably powering the main module through the back door. Ahem.

@joshua it’s an easy mistake to make. The power connector and auxiliary module connector are the same 16-pin connector.

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