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After fitting a couple of TipTop Audio Studio Bus boards and installing a bunch of modules I found that the board was resetting every couple of seconds. I was concerned that my boosted power spec was still not enough.

After doing some debugging (I.e. pulling the power from module by module) I discovered that I had plugged my Turing Machine’s Gates output into the bus board. After connecting the right cable everything seems to be working again, and no damage to the Turing Machine.

@ianRobinson I’d probably get rid of Netflix first. Especially if they enforce these new rules on watching in different properties. We’ve got a house in Ballycastle and I don’t really feel like lugging AppleTV boxes home every 30 days so that they appear on our home network.

@glennf @yatil IRS kept sending me letters to the UK to verify my identity that would have a response deadline. Which was always expired by the time the letters arrived. Eventually they told me that the after 3 years I had no right to claim back the $3000+ my publisher had paid them on my behalf as the time limit to claim was past.

Bought a secondhand 12U case a few weeks ago but found that the power levels were a bit low as it was just a couple of Doepfer A100 bus boards. Have spent the day replacing the Doepfer boards with two TipTop Audio Studio Bus boards. Each one puts out the same sort of power as the combined Doepfer boards. Haven’t wired them up yet, but just the process of taking the old stuff out and mounting the new stuff has been fun.

@nivrig Grandstand was the first gaming device we had as well. Hand-me-down from my uncle.

Looking forward to seeing if Logic Pro for iPad makes it easier to work with audio interfaces. I’ve had an AudioFuse for a few years but it’s always been a pain to set up with GarageBand on iPad, or other DAW software. Hoping the ease of use with Logic on macOS translates to the new version.

@atpfm @caseyliss in a lovely coincidence, I listened to both this episode today and the Bowery Boys exploration of the history of New York Pizza; including a live trip to John’s of Bleecker Street!

@marramgrass @ryangadams Elton John: “It’s the squircle of life!”

@glennf my accountant was my dad 🙂 to be fair, I stopped letting him do my tax returns. My wife helps me now. My mother and sister are also accountants!

@glennf reminds me of the time I tried to get a refund from the IRS. I’d paid taxes to them for book advances, but my accountant wanted me to pay UK income tax instead and claim the money back from IRS. So I paid the local tax, and asked for my refund, and they kept sending me forms to the UK to be filled out before a specific date. But they sent them slowly and had a deadline for return which passed before I received them. Then announced a cutoff for refunds which passed. Lost it all.

@caseyliss last message. Instead of blocking searches when the free allocation is reached, why not replace every actor in search results with random pictures of your dog. Still has some information and cute!

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@caseyliss I know you lose on some cynical exploitation of human nature over getting a year when the user stops using it after a month but did we get into this business to be cynical?

I like the idea that people who can afford a dollar a month get an app for the same price as someone who can pay 12 dollars up front. Reminds me of

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@caseyliss sorry if this is the 117th time you e gotten feedback on Callsheet pricing etc. I know John kept saying “free trial” but to me that’s what your 10/20 free searches are. Why does a free trial have to be time-based?

Personally, after the issues with Twitter apps, I think having monthly/yearly pricing at the same overall amount means that you can say “hey, if you pay for the year you’re effectively tipping and shouldn’t ask for a refund if something goes wrong. Otherwise go monthly.”

Not sure why Sam Ryder isn’t sponsored by Timotei

@Zoeswipe if the war ended could they hand off to Ukraine?

@ianRobinson London to see Midnight Oil. Three times. The only played the second and third times. They broke up for 15 years just before the first gig I was going to see.

I know London is not as far as San Francisco, but I went for a gig and waited 15 years for the band to play?

@jamesthomson @nevali can’t you just press the AC button to clear it?

@jamesthomson @nevali I know it’s partially a matter of perspective but I think it was $11.48 shipping to UK for me. I’ve been getting charged around 10 quid for shipping on goods inside the UK recently, so for a change Cotton Bureau doesn’t feel too bad.

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