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@simon there are so many frustrations in logistics these days.

Last week I was expecting a delivery, and was told it would arrive on Monday of this week. That was cool. On Friday, I got an email to say that the delivery would be on Saturday. Yay! Saturday came and went, with no delivery. Arrived on Monday as originally expected.

It’s not terrible (and I feel for your components shivering and alone tonight!) but it’s the unnecessary frustrations that these things inject into our lives.

@GrantMeStrength I immediately thought of Sultan’s Maze on the CPC.

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I have a lot more to say, but I'll hold it for now and simply wonder aloud...

Which BigTech clouds are the "Lavender" & "Where's Daddy?" AI systems running on? What APIs are they using? Which libraries are they calling?

What work did my former colleagues, did I, did *you* contribute to that may now be enabling this automated slaughter?

(Also, content warning. This is some of the sickest shit I've ever read.)

@Moltz @dmoren @lunarobverse @lexfri this should be your next pair of t-shirts. Each one has half-a-Moltz and together you complete them.

@stuart last year it was the other way round, but there was a grand slam as well.

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@schwa in optimal conditions they’d have raised the sails, for sure.

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@stuart and I just sold a bunch of stock today…

@twostraws @GaryAsh my local pharmacy (Boots, UK) won’t sell a pack of ibuprofen and a pack of paracetamol together!

@ianRobinson I do love High N Dry. I tend to think of early Def Leppard and post-H’N’D Def Leppard to be different bands.

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@TSindelar I tried this. I already live in Ireland so it didn’t work. I give this technique ★☆☆☆☆

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