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I find it weird that newspapers characterize students as being “pro-Palestinian” as opposed to anti whatever you call this.

Zooropa was a good album and I will fight anyone who says different.

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@bigzaphod I have my boxed version of Logic Pro 7 at home, and I love the fact that it has paper manuals for all the instruments. It just feels complete.

@schwa I’ve got a HomePod complaining about needing an Apple ID password updated, but the Home app isn’t responding when I tap the Enter Password button. Doomed.

@scottearle @jamesthomson fortunately it’s all in production right now and all tests are giving good results. We just need to flick the switch on the big day!

@scottearle @jamesthomson it’s being done on a Thursday. I was sure I’d requested a Tuesday!

@jamesthomson @scottearle now I’m worried. I’m responsible for rolling out a new unified login process for our customers in a couple of weeks and I was already feeling nervous about screwing something up. At least we don’t have as many users as Apple!

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Record Store Day just doesn’t work for me. I drove for an hour to a record store, and the one thing I wanted from RSD was gone.

I’m not sure what creating artificial scarcity really achieves, especially if it ends up in frustration and puts me off visiting the store in person.

I’ll wait until Monday and see if any of the independent British stores with online presences have copies left over.

@BenRiceM it’s a complex situation I guess. I’ve been able to take advantage of some confusion about it to save money on import duties and such like so I’ll not complain too much 🙂

@BenRiceM @altstore damn. Couldn’t get it to work in Northern Ireland. Apparently Apple aren’t honouring our place in the EU for goods and services. 🙂

@nivrig there’s a smooching scene in Episode 7 that i felt was worth every minute I put into it up until that point.

@nivrig I definitely have an affinity for Fallout 4, and post-apocalyptic stuff in general, but from reading about it after watching I think a lot of references were to games that I hadn’t played and I don’t think it impacted my enjoyment.

@nivrig I’ve only played one game (Fallout 4) but I love the whole world and premise. I wa sin the doldrums this afternoon when I finished the last episode, as I had no more to watch. I found it really compelling watching. The idea of waiting for more is like being tortured by a Mr Handy.

@nivrig first few episodes were a bit flabby, but they tightened them up after that. Runtime was too long for the first few.

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@BenRiceM I was watching today and thought “wow, they made FalloutWorld and it is amazing”

@simon we do live in the first world though 🙂

Sometimes it’s a frustration, and sometimes it’s extremely difficult to accommodate the changes. When you arrange your schedule to receive a delivery, then have to rearrange due to changing circumstances, it can be more than just an irritant.

And it’s usually down to penny-pinching and attempts to cram too much into a driver’s schedule that is too fragile to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances.

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