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@rossgrady have you got a few minutes to hear about our lord and saviour @pcalc

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@caseyliss is there any chance of a “lookup in IMDB” feature. As much as I’d love to stay within Callsheet forever, I’m increasingly finding that TMDB has incomplete data and I’m having to fallback to the shitshow that is IMDB. I know it would suck a bit to have to do it, but there’s already links out of Callsheet to IMDB Trivia. Going direct to a performer/production page would be appreciated and would mean Callsheet can still be the first port of call.

@vinnycoyne I see JWKS in my day to day work a lot these days!

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@shezza_t I worry about the impact that fast fashion has on secondhand shopping. A lot of clothing doesn’t seem to last as long now, because it’s being made to a lower price point. If it doesn’t last for the first owner, it’s not going to make it to the second owner. People are buying for quantity of clothing now and not so much the quality!

Though I exist in combat shorts, and band/software company t-shirts, so I’m probably not qualified to even think about fashion 🙂

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@jsnell am I too late to suggest that incrementing could lead to an Overcrowded House?

@glennf disappointing news about the UK VAT number. I mentioned it in passing to my (accountant) wife and she exclaimed “I KNOW! I’ve had clients waiting for ages for their VAT number. It used to take 2 weeks and now can be 6 months”. Will be worth the wait though!

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Them: How was your weekend?

Me: Tiring! I finally put in all that Waynescoting I've been meaning to do!

Them: Ha! It's not “Waynescoting”! It’s “wainscoting”!

Me: ... Well, shit.

Transferring an eSIM during migration between two iPhones was a remarkably straightforward experience today. This was my first migration post eSIM adoption and I had visions of lengthy support conversations with my carrier to make it work.

I was convinced that nothing was more straightforward than SIM eject and manual transfer. The reality was so smooth that I’m probably going to convert my kids’ phones over to eSIMs ASAP now.

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I think we really missed an opportunity a couple of years ago when we didn't call NFTs “grift certificates”.

@bazscott if they’d release on Tues-Thurs, I’d collect at the store, but too much hassle driving to Belfast on a Friday 🙂

It’s out for delivery. Despite DHL still saying it will be delivered on the 25th, I got a text with approximate time today.

@shezza_t shouldn’t be. Apple are pretty good at delivering on release day. I have 3 delivery estimates from different companies. Apple say tomorrow, Syncreon, say tomorrow, and DHL say Monday. I suspect DHL’s estimate system is inaccurate. They probably think a regular delivery would be Monday, but I imagine the potential loss in letting Apple down would trump that!

It’s at the very least a declaration of war!

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