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This new trend of podcasts posting video clips reinforces for me that Americans talk too slowly and is going to be a problem. At least when I have them trapped in my podcast app I can make them speak at normal speed, but when they escape to video mediums it’s so much harder to bend them to my will.

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A pathetically weak post from @caseynewton

Despite laying out the myriad issues Substack has exhibited by aligning itself with Nazis, and reading like the inevitable conclusion will be that it is no longer viable for Platformer to remain there, it sputters out with a cowardly “let’s hope they do better”.

The only possible opinion to draw from this is that, like Substack itself, Casey is fine with the status quo, but wants to be seen paying lip service to decrying it.

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The final gifts have been received and so the embargo on buying myself stuff can be lifted. Also lying on the sofa with a brute of a chest infection so some retail therapy could be just what the “doctor” ordered me to self-medicate with.

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I don't care if you find a tunnel that goes from a Gazan hospital all the way to Tel Aviv. There is never justification for murdering civilians and destroying the lives of those people you don't manage to murder.

The new kick drum module from Shakmat looks awesome. Can’t wait to get my hands on it! Battering Ram:

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@atpfm please let me be the nth listener to suggest the name Apple Juice for their replaceable battery product.

@pcalc Do you have the ability to show metric prefixes like nano, pico, etc, and to switch between them?

The Befaco Hexmix VCA was a fairly involved build. I reckon there were 140 resistors, about 60 capacitors, 12 jacks and 18 pots. Ran out of time to do calibration and playing with it, but initial test showed I have a dodgy input jack on one channel. Gonna have to remedy that and then test the CV inputs as well.

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It’s December, so work has now entered what I’m going to call “mullet time”. The next three weeks will have a number of social gatherings at the end of the week, so they’re going to be business at the front and party at the back.

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There’s no possible compelling case, no ends that could *ever* justify the means, for bombing babies in hospitals. There’s no way back for Israel from this. They are forever a state which chose the mass murder of children for revenge.

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