Ah, los servicios consulares de España en el extranjero. Ofrecen de todo, incluso páginas de información llenas de Lorem Ipsum: https://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/edimburgo/es/InformacionContacto/Paginas/index.aspx
http://smbc-comics.com/comic/productivity-3 (click to see the bonus panel)
#smbc #hiveworks #comics
Madre mía, el comunicado de Jenni Hermoso. Claro y contundente.
Nada que ver con las barbaridades de Rubiales esta mañana.
Es como visitar dos universos distintos.
@julitrows I want you sharing some #bass content! 😄
You may know me (lol) for being the guy that put Chiquito de la Calzada in your test suites https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker/blob/main/doc/quotes/chiquito.md
It's my peak at FLOSSING. It's tiny, but it was a labour of love 💖
@alignment Appalling neutral
Join @algo_luca’s workshop “You can't fix what you can't see: telemetry for Rust APIs” the day before the main conference #eurorust23! 🦀 🚀
Discover what to expect in Luca’s video and reserve a seat: https://youtu.be/G0SxHlrWvsg
@soulcutter @pablobm @iainbeeston That’s a good alternative too! 😄 However I think often we find ourselves wanting to get this info right now, with minimum effort, and don’t want to have go configure this filter or that processor
@iainbeeston Oh: and don't forget to re-raise or you may get a passing example where you shouldn't have one!
@iainbeeston @pablobm they are indeed. An alternative approach is to surround the problematic call in the RSpec example with begin/rescue/end block, and manually print out the backtrace, which I do with `pp $!.backtrace`
@iainbeeston I had to use that recently. I wish there was an option to filter to show only from your code down, ie: showing the framework frames called by your code, as opposed to those calling your code, as normally I’m not interested in the high-level frames, like those from Rack
Go, India! 🌕🇮🇳 #chandrayaan3
Cuando creíamos que la desvergüenza de Rubiales no podía ir más allá, si. Coaccionando a la jugadora para que apareciese en el vídeo, presionando después a la familia y a la jugadora durante todo el vuelo. Y las declaraciones de ella que envió la RFEF a EFE, que vendieron como suyas, no lo son. Chapeau por la jugadora y su familia por su saber estar y comportamiento que hizo que anoche fueran ellas las protagonistas, y no los simios. No se puede consentir esto. https://www.relevo.com/futbol/mundial-femenino/rubiales-pidio-jenni-hermoso-defendiera-20230822035508-nt.html
@raichoo The brutal looks of that thing! 🤯 I need to see it played.
Metalhead, aspiring bass player, wannabe SJW. Web development pays my bills. Happy to pay more tax in exchange for functioning public services.