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Ah, los servicios consulares de España en el extranjero. Ofrecen de todo, incluso páginas de información llenas de Lorem Ipsum:

Madre mía, el comunicado de Jenni Hermoso. Claro y contundente.

Nada que ver con las barbaridades de Rubiales esta mañana.

Es como visitar dos universos distintos.

#Rubiales #SeAcabó

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You may know me (lol) for being the guy that put Chiquito de la Calzada in your test suites
It's my peak at FLOSSING. It's tiny, but it was a labour of love 💖

You all are happy about the Spanish soccer women to be on strike. I am sad that they have to do this. And the men’s team says nothing. They should be the ones to stop playing. Those women should not need to do this. It’s really fucked up.

Join @algo_luca’s workshop “You can't fix what you can't see: telemetry for Rust APIs” the day before the main conference #eurorust23! 🦀 🚀

Discover what to expect in Luca’s video and reserve a seat:


@soulcutter @pablobm @iainbeeston That’s a good alternative too! 😄 However I think often we find ourselves wanting to get this info right now, with minimum effort, and don’t want to have go configure this filter or that processor

@iainbeeston Oh: and don't forget to re-raise or you may get a passing example where you shouldn't have one!

@iainbeeston @pablobm they are indeed. An alternative approach is to surround the problematic call in the RSpec example with begin/rescue/end block, and manually print out the backtrace, which I do with `pp $!.backtrace`

@iainbeeston I had to use that recently. I wish there was an option to filter to show only from your code down, ie: showing the framework frames called by your code, as opposed to those calling your code, as normally I’m not interested in the high-level frames, like those from Rack

... And India just soft-landed a lunar rover on the Moon. For $2M less than Hollywood spent filming "Gravity"!

Cuando creíamos que la desvergüenza de Rubiales no podía ir más allá, si. Coaccionando a la jugadora para que apareciese en el vídeo, presionando después a la familia y a la jugadora durante todo el vuelo. Y las declaraciones de ella que envió la RFEF a EFE, que vendieron como suyas, no lo son. Chapeau por la jugadora y su familia por su saber estar y comportamiento que hizo que anoche fueran ellas las protagonistas, y no los simios. No se puede consentir esto.

@raichoo The brutal looks of that thing! 🤯 I need to see it played.

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