We at @mainmatter have been long-term active members and contributors to the #emberjs community.
Now we're expanding into #svelte. Why do we do that and what does it mean for our involvement with Ember?
I'm streaming in #twitch right now! Come and join the fun as I mess with #vite with a special guest to the stream 😱 @fp is crashing the stream today so it's going to be a crazy one 🎉
Come join us https://twitch.tv/real_ate
@asplund Add to that list: #lonesome_blue #SecondToNone 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzRIQK966tY
@gknauss You misspelled it: it's Thiel's life.
@smeg Welcome to #basstodon! Please let us know how it goes, your frustrations and your achievements 😃 (Actually, perhaps I should do that to, d'oh!)
Alright it's that time again...
Tell me about a thing you own, under $50, that has noticeably improved your quality of life in some small way. Some small stupid thing that now you use all the time.
It's gift time and I never have ideas. Hopefully this will help other people too if it gets some good answers.
Surprising fact: no major professional scientific organization has flipped from a paywalled publishing model to 100% Open Access.
The @ACM the world's foremost professional computing organization, is going to be the first on January 1, 2026, when its entire digital library will become freely available to the public.
Share your favourite newsletters?
@ScribblingOn These two might fit the bill?
- The ARD (Anti-Racism Daily): https://the-ard.com/blog/ Unfortunately their website appears to be having difficulties right now 😓
- Heated (on climate change): https://www.emilyatkin.com/heated
The word "excellent" is derived from the Christian practice of giving up the use of Microsoft Excel for 40 days to commemorate Christ's sacrifice.
It is a period of great productivity.
The date of lent is calculated by using an obscure Excel macro on a field that didn't originally have anything to do with dates, but Excel converted it to one anyway.
Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics:
A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.
Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*.
Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA
@sardaukar @danbarber More detail at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Can_You_Hear_Me%3F_(telephone_scam), plus a recent report in a Spanish regional paper: https://www.lasprovincias.es/sociedad/timo-si-fraude-telefono-20230908132629-nt.html (in Spanish).
@danbarber @sardaukar
No idea of how true/reliable this is but, in Spain, I have heard of robocalls for the only purpose of recording people say "yes", then use that for nefarious identity-stealing ends.
Metalhead, aspiring bass player, wannabe SJW. Web development pays my bills. Happy to pay more tax in exchange for functioning public services.