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@OpinionatedGeek @d3z I've done the same with IMAP+SMTP. It really helps to gain an understanding, but it really doesn't do much in the long term.

I kinda cheated cause I'm using the Docker containers. I can't be bothered installing and maintaining all the software from source though.

@OpinionatedGeek @d3z There are dedicated Mastodon hosting providers that might be a better compromise between home server and running a VPS like I'm doing. I tried them out about 4 years ago, but the cost ramped up very quickly for more than a couple of users, but I think it's probably more cost-effective now.

@OpinionatedGeek @d3z There's been about 10 people active in the last week, 5 people active today.

It definitely needs the 2GB of RAM, IMO. I was trying to do upgrades earlier in the year and the Docker builds were failing with RAM issues on 1GB. That's generally how I've been handling installation, and upgrades (via Docker images).

@OpinionatedGeek @d3z is running on a DigitalOcean droplet. Over the last 14 days (when traffic picked up again) it has been using:
- <6% of 1 vCPU
- ~75% of 2GB RAM
- ~10GB of disk space

@chartier I’m from the north of Ireland and the tech community there has had a Slack community for a long time. It was a natural extension to create an instance around our tech community and was born. So we’ve done the location- and interest-based themes combined.

That said, I consider our instance open to people who are tech adjacent too.

PS Long-time subscriber to Bear here. Love the work y’all do, and still pumped for the new editor!

@d3z There's that too, but also you have SSH access to the box as well.

@OpinionatedGeek @d3z If you do go a bit further with setting up an instance, I'm happy to have my brains picked.

(I feel confident in saying that now that zombie season has ended)

@OpinionatedGeek @d3z A bit of active moderation should help to avoid the hassles in dealing with other instances.

Sometimes I regret the tech bit, but that wasn't initially intended to be active limitation; just a legacy of coming from the NI Tech Slack.

@d3z @marramgrass It's good to have the migration facility though. Before that, there was that feeling of "am I really sure this is the instance I'll be on for the long term?" I had been hedging with this and, but my account over there is redirecting to here now.

@vinnycoyne that so fits with the movies seeming to be in an unspecified time. I loved the ambiguity of it.

- Woke up late
- Walked along the beach
- Saw some seals
- Had turkey and ham for dinner
- Watched Goosebumps 2
- Watched The Witches
- Watched Hocus Pocus 2
- Going to bed early

A great day

@Moltz is this @jamesthomson? Cause it looks exactly like James Thomson when I saw him talk at a conference.

@d3z they don’t have the baggage we have. I’ve seen some of our interns diving into the shitstorm and feeling like there’s great choice and something for everyone.

For me, I’m used to a simpler time and the choice is overwhelming.

@otfrom The Local Timeline is something we could embrace and I can't see that being possible on

@otfrom When you say "we should probably have more smaller instances" do you mean we as a community should have a single account on a smaller instance, or we as individuals should have multiple accounts across multiple instances?

I'm probably in agreement whichever you meant 🙂

I like the idea of being in multiple smaller interest-focussed instances, and being able to enjoy the full discussion of those instances as well as the Fediverse in general.

@amyworrall I'm using the official app on my phone and it's been grand. I’ve just launched it on macOS for the first time in a long time too; I think it initially didn't work on macOS cause I wasn't even logged in but it seems to be working now. Might be a Catalyst install.

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NI Tech

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